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(2)Close to the Edge 2.0
Map ID: #690
Author: maximumdan
Map Size: other
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 11, 09 22:38
Comments (17)
thought i'd try it again, flanking is now possible. no more islands.
The name should be "Lost in Space"? :)
And about the map, i think that for a protoss army will be hell difficult to move. The expands are enought for easy 200, but only 2x12 goons, will be enought to stuck on this platform.
and the minimap will suck :[
hide dropships :)
do the walkways or the expo areas need to be bigger?
LGI, what do you mean by enough for easy 200?
I mean that there is enought easy to reach resurs on the map for easy 200 limit for a player. Just look at the distnaces from each expands.
And yes, you have to make the all map bigger. Or if you want that small area of terrain, at least you have to make it wider, with less expands. And a small map like this, many ways are not needed. Even one way is enought. Take an example from Blood Bath.
Note that i didn't mean to make a map like Blood Bath :).
the walkways, expos, and middle are all bigger. basically everything except for the main bases was enlarged.
should I take some minerals off of each expo? i want to keep all 8 if possible..
this map is teh bomb! brilliant map making!
Looks very good visually!
Maybe you could make all the small walkways solar panel or otherwise unbuildable.
more changes, lowering nat to 6 minerals, and getting rid of the bridges so two buildings can wall.
random map, lol weird.
Nightmarajoo, stop being RaDiX.
what have i done? :(
lao-artanis I have always looked at the random maps and spammed on them to let others see the map, and have introduced several of them to the motw competition and many of those obtain much notice.
LaO-Artanis stop being kingof8playermaps (an idiot)
Nightmarajoo, stop being so easily offended and serious.
And about the map, i think that for a protoss army will be hell difficult to move. The expands are enought for easy 200, but only 2x12 goons, will be enought to stuck on this platform.
LGI, what do you mean by enough for easy 200?
Note that i didn't mean to make a map like Blood Bath :).
should I take some minerals off of each expo? i want to keep all 8 if possible..
Maybe you could make all the small walkways solar panel or otherwise unbuildable.
LaO-Artanis stop being kingof8playermaps (an idiot)