(2)Star Gates
Map ID: #694

Author: RSCup.SpitFire[7x]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2009, 06, 13 08:41

Comments (39)
hm, seems very easy for terran to gain expos...
2nd with gas in main, third one with wall-in and a few tanks, 4th again with walling buildings and tanks. in addition, a buildable cliff in the middle and maybe the possiblity to wall at the highgroundexpo next to players ramps in order to shoot the entrance and expo from there.

dunno, but this looks very gay for T imho...
eh, take that back
wrote with just a short glance on the map cuz had to leave for dinner

sry, it's not that good for T :y
What happend here? Why all maps by 7x spit fire are up? Nothing bad about this, but i was just wandering...
I think he updated the author because of this new RSCup-tag.
or he just moved all maps to user-beta again...I'm wondering why they're all in that category, even aegis...
Your Name
i would say that it IS t favored.. think of basic game where a zerg takes his mineral only first. if zerg techs lurker/ling and terran goes m&m with 1 tank/seige. he can seige in the middle expo and hit the hatchery.. lurker ling cant defend and he would ahve to go all the way around. also, that area is buildable so if terran goes bunker/turret/tank u can no longer get out of ur main safely, and u can no longer take mineral only. this applies for protoss as well.. looks like fun map for pvz though :)
^ agreed, sliding the 3 and 9 oclock expansions farther away shouldn't hurt the map at all.

imho an air expansion in the middle could be good
Apart from the TvZ/P issues with 3 and 9, I would advice you to make the middle spot un-droppable, simply because 5 tanks up there makes flanking vs a Push almost impossible.
who would waste enough tanks up there to effectively stop a push? :P you would like like 6-8 tanks and they would be much more needed somewhere else...
well, 3-4 and a few turrets are a lot of cash, but it would really help, because you can save a large part of the middle, and it's only attackable with carriers. at least you secure a strategic point, similar to the 'center' in a chess game
I didn't like it on first glance, but the longer i look at it the better it looks to me. it looks a bit t favouring. still not to a point where it's unfair i'd guess. but some replays would be very interesting to see, how easy it is for T to expand.
RSCup.SpitFire[7x] (yes it's me -_-)
Another edition made. Replays would be in two days, I don't have an opportunity to play now :((
RSCup.SpitFire[7x] (yes it\
btw it's becoming the best of my 2 player maps..
Goddes is your best :)
For you maybe, but not for me :) Atually I don't like the placement of 3+9 expos.
Comments? -______0??
I would add a blocking mineral on the near isle. if not, 2nd expo (and 3rd gas!) is vers easy to cover with T

If I were you, I would think about removing those isles completely...

GMCS: there I would consider to change it to solar array
+island mineralblock
+wall doodads
+obs version
Flo, I tried to make this area solar array.. It looks ugly and i can't see any meaning of this, because turrets are placeable on the edges which are not so far from the center. Maybe I've done it in wrong way..
Has anyone new ideas and suggestions?
I like this version more, good job.
fix obs please. Obs players are "inactive"
There are no triggers on both obs and melee map!!11

Oh thx.
Spitfire, there is one thing that anoys me very much! Now see some of the repleys me vs panschk PvT (last repleys), and you will see in the top position how i can't make proper base, because of the top mineral block. I have to be far from gas, or far from minerals, something like in LT 9 o'clock expand. Bottom position is ok. AND YOUR MAP IS GREAT :D
Btw, the only thing that i hate is that expand is far from choke, and this makes hard for Z, and even if he make sunk to make more creep to the choke, there is a backdoor... Example Panschk[FP] vs LGI(1on1, 1.13)
I played Tombombalin[FP] on this map and he did it pretty well, playing 3-hatch and putting a reasonable amounts of sunkens on the backdoor too. The distance between players is so huge that I didnt even try to bunkerrush.
I've just add:
--LGI vs sC4s]Sweps(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs sC4s]Sweps(1on1, 1.13)

I suggest you to watch them, they are awsome :D
downloading right now :D
i like this map !!
Great map.
wow i've never seen this map!
me too, it's never in random maps
modified by ProTosS4EveR
i think this is spitfire's best map.
Yep,man a good one.But looks like a IntotheDarkness clone,no offense
no it's not intothedrakness clone
yeah it's a (2)space map, +1 clone
designwise it's not far from itdarkness - just flip the pic horizontally.it has less isues than the original so i pick this one.

from spitfire, i like more the artist