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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #719
Map Size: unknown
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 01 21:01
Comments (15)
Biut i don't get the use of the highground walls in the center and what the edges meant to be? empty room for... yeah, for what? What were your intenstions Stimey? :)
I don't really understand your question.
The empty room is much-needed place to build outside of the mains and can attack both expos of the side.
The highground walls are obnoxious but I am not sure of the overall balances on this map AT ALL, which was the point.
in the next version (beta2) the changes so far (based on comments/play):
-mains will have 2k patches (from 1.5k in beta1)
more feedbaque. fun proxy time yes?
I think you should move the red ramp a litthe higher, to be closer to the exp entry, so the distance are the same like the blue one. Or the opposite... And this little holes between walls and mains, will make bad patchfinding, just think how an bigger amry, espacialy, protoss army will try to get trought this hole... And i think tha walls are too many...
Sorry but i don't see the idea of this map, just put some terrain and thats all. This could be a map for Travins competiotion.
im not trying to make the next bifrost, just a different play that is good. not good yet of course, but what is same with this map? tell me about how matchups will be on this
Fix it first. If you like my suggestions ofcourse...
3 hatch is needed
this will be: everyone has one half of the map, and then no movement at all. This can't work.
that aspect really isn't as different from other maps as it looks. maybe the entry to the middle is too hard, though
WTF, i wrote a comment of 30 minutes length to this map yesterday and it isn't displayed?!
gay, had the same with a forumpost on yesterday...
well... then again, but a short version... ah no.. fuck it... i edit the map, wait a sec...
well... you have like 12379 possibilities to change it, after the startpositions are quite cool and i could think of thousand variations. Here os one roughly done in 5 minutes (only left half)
What a map needs is a certain "flow" you need to be drive towards the enemy somehow, that's why the natural and the min-only lie further than in your version. Also you have plenty of space to use, and should use different height levels, that's why i made the left half highground with an worthy expansion. Then you have an other expansion, near to the enemy, and through that, a good spot for a hidden expansion. it's out of the usual scoutways of the enemy and still lies as far from his base, than from yours (groundlength).
Well, just a rough edit, and not good looking at all. Still you may see what i try to explain.
if you want to update this map, that sounds good. i am too busy to update this right now but you seem interested.
I like the starting locations, but the distance between bases is very long then. still it's a concept where you could get a lot of interesting maps out of. Maybe i take this base layout and turn it into a map someday, who knows. :)
feel free. i dont care about credit with my maps at all. of course if someone makes a worse version that misses 90% of the point (like broken tradition), then that's dumb.
Biut i don't get the use of the highground walls in the center and what the edges meant to be? empty room for... yeah, for what? What were your intenstions Stimey? :)
The empty room is much-needed place to build outside of the mains and can attack both expos of the side.
The highground walls are obnoxious but I am not sure of the overall balances on this map AT ALL, which was the point.
-mains will have 2k patches (from 1.5k in beta1)
more feedbaque. fun proxy time yes?
gay, had the same with a forumpost on yesterday...
well... then again, but a short version... ah no.. fuck it... i edit the map, wait a sec...
What a map needs is a certain "flow" you need to be drive towards the enemy somehow, that's why the natural and the min-only lie further than in your version. Also you have plenty of space to use, and should use different height levels, that's why i made the left half highground with an worthy expansion. Then you have an other expansion, near to the enemy, and through that, a good spot for a hidden expansion. it's out of the usual scoutways of the enemy and still lies as far from his base, than from yours (groundlength).
Well, just a rough edit, and not good looking at all. Still you may see what i try to explain.