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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #739
Author: Starparty
Map Size: unknown
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 08 15:06
Comments (11)
Here is my RMC submission.
Blue and purp has ground connecting, while red and teal are on islands. On all pos your ally will be teoretically or practically near you. A bit of testing showed that it was playable, but who knows how it would be with good players.
Balance was secondary to fun in this competition though, and atleast we had fun playing it.
I think it doesn't even fit in your criterias but neway, i think it is just impossible to make what you asked =P anyway :!
it fits into _everyone_ of my criterias, but ok ...
ok, it doesnt look "supergood" but i didnt make any doodads at all except the ramps
If it gives island vs ground, ground have an expo not the islands :|
I dont understand what do you mean by your ally is near you? I could make a map with 4 islands that are really close and i say they are all connected O_+??
well, why didnt you? :P
didnt do what ??? 4 islands maps ??? O__+ well this discusion made me think about a new island map i might create tonight and the rest of the week cuz my school finish very soon so will have more time to make maps :D
seems to me if you are blue and red vs purp and teal you will have advantage sometimes such as if red is terran he can tank the path between you guys while teal cant really help at all
Blue and purp has ground connecting, while red and teal are on islands. On all pos your ally will be teoretically or practically near you. A bit of testing showed that it was playable, but who knows how it would be with good players.
Balance was secondary to fun in this competition though, and atleast we had fun playing it.
I dont understand what do you mean by your ally is near you? I could make a map with 4 islands that are really close and i say they are all connected O_+??
Starparty WTF ?! :D:D:D Realy STUUUUUPID map ^^