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(2)Solar Impact
Map ID: #757
Author: sigge
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 16 17:51
Comments (10)
If you made this map 100% symetrical, made bigger mains and balanced all expos, you would have a cool map.
check your TL thread for a (little) more detailed explanation
I've made quite a few changes as you can see. Thanks for the comments, really helps me improve the map.
Pos. balance: Top position looks like defending with sunks zvt is harder than bottom. Move bridge a bit to the left.
Middle expos: Maybe rethink those. Right now units would just walk into the mining base if there is any to get to the other side of the map. And then they really might get stuck.
decoration: You still have some to do, but It`s ok to wait with it untill you know how it will look like gameplay wise.
Thank's for the answer. I won't decorate the map untill the balancing is done.
Got any ideas on what to do with the middle exps then? I like the idea of them that is why I've stuck with it even tho I've realized that it might mess up some things.
look in the GMCS
I marked where you could possibly put those expansions, and erase wall+ expos on the middle square then
perhaps just make a smaller middle, put the expansions on the top and bottom of them but keep the whole bridge in the middle idea
well there we go, made some changes, moved the bridge outside of the top main a tad bit to the left. I also removed the exps in the middle and placed them on top and below the middle-section.
I like it :)
hm, if it was my map, I'd think about erasing those lowground-expansion totally (but leaving those two bridges to the remaining expo) and give gas to the latter
the lowground expos lie very far away from actual fighting zone, so it will annoy to go those long ways with your units.
That's true. I would like to keep the # of expansions tho. I'll see if I can come up with some sollution to that problem.
Middle expos: Maybe rethink those. Right now units would just walk into the mining base if there is any to get to the other side of the map. And then they really might get stuck.
decoration: You still have some to do, but It`s ok to wait with it untill you know how it will look like gameplay wise.
Got any ideas on what to do with the middle exps then? I like the idea of them that is why I've stuck with it even tho I've realized that it might mess up some things.
I marked where you could possibly put those expansions, and erase wall+ expos on the middle square then
hm, if it was my map, I'd think about erasing those lowground-expansion totally (but leaving those two bridges to the remaining expo) and give gas to the latter
the lowground expos lie very far away from actual fighting zone, so it will annoy to go those long ways with your units.