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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)Dont stop me now
Map ID: #768
Author: SummerSky
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 04, 13 05:29
Comments (18)
i used 'neutral building'. save scm and open by SCMdraft...
image include neutral building click
it has backdoor. all units can pass through backdoor.
The small mineral patch in the upper right corner should be replaced with a unpassable doodad, because there is actually a walkable path there and small units will fuck up.
looks very nice actually, and the concept doesn't lack in major flaws
you didn't pay attention for the gas issue ;)
I'd like to see how the backdoorbuildings work, if it's really that tactical element that I consider them on this map
gas issue... i attended it [.
SP// i can't understand your comment-i'm not good at english :(. explain again plz :)
ah i understand... there is not walkable path :) i tested. [....]
btw why don't you just post the right image as picture? 768*512
He means to get rid of the mineral patch by the bridge at the top right corner and place a unwalkable(doodad that units can't walk over) doodad there instead, since there is room for units to pass and the mineral patch will mess up pathing since units will try to walk through the mineral patch instead of over the bridge.
Click the 'GMCS (1 elements)' above your first post to see the mineral patch that SP is talking about. Sorry I kinda screwed it up by covering the mineral patch, first time using the GMCS T_T.
The map looks great. I only think that there is much gas near the main, and it will help terran a lot, he can even protect both expands very well. I personaly i like the version without natural buildings.
Check GMCS for the gas.
mushu/i know 'mineral patch' and tested it. there is no room....
panschk/ img in 1st comment
The doodads on the ruins in the middle are repetitive. I guess thats not a big deal though.
Oh, and the mains are kinda small, too. Not much room for factories and gateways.
i don't want long-game[..] and i make it small
not bad not bad
lol you know a map's pro when mosq gives a positive comment ~~
definitely :P
its a pity that mosq comments rarely
I think the mains have enough room considering the map is encouraging FE. Look at the room you have in your nat to build stuff... It's a cool map.
image include neutral building
you didn't pay attention for the gas issue ;)
I'd like to see how the backdoorbuildings work, if it's really that tactical element that I consider them on this map
Click the 'GMCS (1 elements)' above your first post to see the mineral patch that SP is talking about. Sorry I kinda screwed it up by covering the mineral patch, first time using the GMCS T_T.
Check GMCS for the gas.
panschk/ img in 1st comment
its a pity that mosq comments rarely