(2)Fissure 1.1
Map ID: #769

Author: boongee
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2007, 08, 12 19:07

Comments (17)
so I got bored today and made this.

It's not particularly balanced or anything, but it's pretty funny. every game you play on it will be really weird.

one game on this map, a friend and I did random vs random and both got terran. we BOTH did a floating barracks rush and neither of us saw the other, haha. we ending up switching bases.
You forgot gas at the main -_-

I know you didn't forget it, i'm just pointing out that its a bad idea.
how so
I think its cool. its 64x64 so fast gas would bean boring games... now its way more avriated.. btw boongee, take a look at (2)Narrow Path if you want cool games. Its only 1 expo to fight over :)
looks cool. I like small maps where its all about micro and there is none of the mass bases crap. It opens up so much more strategy when minerals are limited because every unit counts.
disregard first replay. 2nd one is the real one....shows how microey this map is
I am really wondering how can people vote for this map.

Ok let's go a little theorycrafting.

It's an air map. What would zerg do? Go on 3 hatchs and get two gas ofcource. What would terran and protoss do. Go get an expand whit min and gas or just go get the gas, depends on how defencesive they will go. Anyway it will be 2 gas vs 1 gas and zerg won't be slowed at all! But terran and protoss users will be!

Take your time in thinking.
ive already played 30+ games on this testing balance but thanks for your concern. zerg loses due to small islands, very hard to drop. and then there are small mineral onlies which terran and toss can always turtle and zerg has difficulty taking.
got any replays?
if i had bwlauncher on i might
interesting reps... but why are they both on lt? :p
ye thats wierd...must have something to do with the new patch, since those were 1.13
It's because Inept is inept at uploading replays. ~_~
patch difference does not change the map :p
well i have no idea then. i sure as hell didnt upload those random reps
I made a small update to this a while ago -- nothing major. I just figured I'd put it here now. I'll upload a good replay, too.
Cute map and replay! It would seem to me that landing the barracks on top of the hill and researching the longer range for marines would be an effective way of depriving zerg of access to that gas geyser. For the other one you have no choice but to land the barracks in a vulnerable position (to lings that is). Either way it's a tough map for zerg.