(6)Chieftain Challenge
Map ID: #87

Author: BlekDef
Map Size: other
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 03, 21 23:09

Comments (9)
I don't feel your maps. So big and so imbalanced:[ Maybe you should try making more conventional maps.
The same as The Jokers Butchery. Tar Wars is made better, but I'm still not sure about island expantions and building space (some imbalance).
i on the other hand love them :) it got this nostalgic blizzard original map feel over them :)
you should host some racewar games on the maps ;)
Your name
Yes, those two maps were inspired by Blizzard maps, after several times I had played on FMP, where you can't fight for expansions, and which are really symetric. That's why I've made this maps a little (or much) imbalanced with so many/big entrances to bases.
This comment above is mine, I forgot to put my nick there :P
Even if its unbalanced, this map looks like pure fun! It reminds me of great LAN games with friends on hunters or on selfmade maps.

Sure, it got some problems, like the small mainbases and the wide entry, but i still think its a cool map. Maybe we have to measure it with a different point of view.

Quote: "Maybe you should try making (a) more conventional map(s)." <- thats how i would edit the sentence ;) I'd suggest you to make your next map more conventional and balanced, but keep up the work!
I just love this. i can't make a natural looking map like this.. im too flawed by perfection :)
Very nice