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(4)Autumn Diver v2.0
Map ID: #924
Author: flothefreak
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 05, 11 08:57
Comments (21)
as the v1-thread was a bit flooded with images, I decided to re-upload the current version and delete the old thread
decoration still missing of course.
another idea would be this, tell me what you'd like more.
I tend to the current uploaded one, it provides a distinctive battlefield, makes the diagonal path more clear and should add some new strats due to the combination of tight and wide areas
tell me what version you'd like more
mineral block on island = *kapoff*
the uoploaded 1 is best btw, not this pic in thread
Bottom right - tankrange big enough to shoot at the ramp from above?
To the map:
It's just not my taste. Chaos factor is so much better than this in quality and design imo. If i were you, i'd really kick this concept, honestly.
hm, i guess I'll keep the current vers and delete the minblock on isle
i gonna decorate it and consider it quite final =)
well lis, i won't kick it but finish it cuz I think it's a quite cool map. I am actually surprised that you'd kick it completely
lis, if i'd made the map you'd salute it ;p
did the changes I spoke before.
new version updated, moved it to final =)
Much Much better.
thx =)
however, if you find flaws, just drop a line ;F
This one looks better. And if the pathfinding trought center doodads is good, then everything is ok i guess...
hm mainbases, especially top right, are rather small.
after the decoration (too heavy for my taste) it looks okey, but i'm really not into this map. Still it's the best version by now.
I like the highground expansions on 3 and 9 while i don't like the small dropping space behind it, maybe a bigger one would be neat. and i especially dislike the positions of the mieral onlies.
some of my older maps have a similar min exp setup, and i always disliked it back in the days also. dunno why, just my personal taste.
It's a good map, but not my taste.
you've got much space at your natural/mineralonly area. so I think the current mainbase space is enough. could be bigger, but enough.
the small dropping space is actually quite large ingame. on the picture, it seems tiny, that's true.
dunno, but those mineralonlys quite near to the natural have some style imo. i like them, and it pushes quite to the center
great map, but:
the 2nd nats are close together. make it just 2 of them instead of 4, but make them have gas. this would shift p>t and z>t, but not enough, must still address the following:
too easy for terran to push, take out the walls. too easy for terran to hve 3 bases too (due to the high ground expos). t>P for sure.
also z>p, expensive for toss to take their nat (wide open)
t>z is likely (due to tight terrain).
you complain about wide nats in pvz but then you say 3 bases for terran would be too easy?
to the minonlys, I will see..
i decided to keep the minonlys as they are because i do not agree to stimey's view of balance.
added obs and made some minor changes
omg, i sound like an asshole in the entire thread (well, more than usually ^^), sry for that :< modified by flothefreak
uploaded replays, 3 2on2s.
the minonlies are fine as they are. luckily i did not get influenced by making the picture looking better. the current minonlies lie perfect.
the map plays very smooth, all players liked it (which i did not expect). i really think you all underestimate this map.
final update. I edited the naturals and closed them down a bit. in PvZ, the nat was just too unsafe and nearly impossible to hold it against a decent harassing zerg player.
should also help Z a bit in TvZ (though i didn't play or obs this MU on that map)
the map plays better than it looks, as i already stated. i am really satisfied with the outcome, even if it doesn't feel too good on the picture. modified by flothefreak
the dentist
tightness for nats in pvz is different than easiness for terran to take nats. why? tanks... when you consider terran, you imagine tanks midgame. when you consider zerg and protoss expos, you consider photons early game or sunkens earliest midgame.
the dentist
so while it's wide enough open that toss need more photons than usual (on maps that are 40/60 pvz) to get their nat, and far enough that they can't pressure well (corners distance, worse than lotem obviously), terran can easily secure their nat AND push along those tight areas OR secure those high ground narrow things easily because they're narrow paths that can only be approached from 1 direction in all practicality
I see what you mean. the 3h/9h expos help p as well actually in PvZ. corner distance is a problem, true.
but giving T some pushing possibilities is necessary, for there are almost no cliffs on this map.
I don't consider it 100% balanced in 1on1, i was mostly referring to playing it in 2on2. on 1on1, i had only 3 games. so i can't say much about it, but only theorycraft like you did...and you hit some true points. except for the 2nd-last post that i didn't understand :S
decoration still missing of course.
another idea would be this, tell me what you'd like more.
I tend to the current uploaded one, it provides a distinctive battlefield, makes the diagonal path more clear and should add some new strats due to the combination of tight and wide areas
tell me what version you'd like more
To the map:
It's just not my taste. Chaos factor is so much better than this in quality and design imo. If i were you, i'd really kick this concept, honestly.
i gonna decorate it and consider it quite final =)
well lis, i won't kick it but finish it cuz I think it's a quite cool map. I am actually surprised that you'd kick it completely
new version updated, moved it to final =)
however, if you find flaws, just drop a line ;F
I like the highground expansions on 3 and 9 while i don't like the small dropping space behind it, maybe a bigger one would be neat. and i especially dislike the positions of the mieral onlies.
some of my older maps have a similar min exp setup, and i always disliked it back in the days also. dunno why, just my personal taste.
It's a good map, but not my taste.
the small dropping space is actually quite large ingame. on the picture, it seems tiny, that's true.
dunno, but those mineralonlys quite near to the natural have some style imo. i like them, and it pushes quite to the center
the 2nd nats are close together. make it just 2 of them instead of 4, but make them have gas. this would shift p>t and z>t, but not enough, must still address the following:
too easy for terran to push, take out the walls. too easy for terran to hve 3 bases too (due to the high ground expos). t>P for sure.
also z>p, expensive for toss to take their nat (wide open)
t>z is likely (due to tight terrain).
to the minonlys, I will see..
added obs and made some minor changes
omg, i sound like an asshole in the entire thread (well, more than usually ^^), sry for that :<
modified by flothefreak
the minonlies are fine as they are. luckily i did not get influenced by making the picture looking better. the current minonlies lie perfect.
the map plays very smooth, all players liked it (which i did not expect). i really think you all underestimate this map.
should also help Z a bit in TvZ (though i didn't play or obs this MU on that map)
the map plays better than it looks, as i already stated. i am really satisfied with the outcome, even if it doesn't feel too good on the picture.
modified by flothefreak
but giving T some pushing possibilities is necessary, for there are almost no cliffs on this map.
I don't consider it 100% balanced in 1on1, i was mostly referring to playing it in 2on2. on 1on1, i had only 3 games. so i can't say much about it, but only theorycraft like you did...and you hit some true points. except for the 2nd-last post that i didn't understand :S