Map ID: #926

Author: Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2006, 01, 23 18:50

Comments (10)
I wouldn't mind seeing a replay on this...
Gas issue. Only put gas at top or left of starting locations.

No massive errors, its just boring :/
I Don't know what the heck happened to the name. It's supposed to be (2)Codex, not (2)Co
I don't quite understand your reasoning with the gas issue...
you jsut forgot to name the map right:


the scripts deletes the last 7 letters to display the mapname. if you forget to write (n) as supposed, it shortens the name.
you could read yourself thorugh the articles section - the gas issue.

it tells you why other gas positions are imbalanced.
Well, I did name it right the first time, but when I edited the map (added obs vers) it messed up the name...
I fixed the gas node by moving it to the left and rearranging the mins a bit. However this makes it a bit unbalanced-

-A tank can siege red's gas node, but blue's gas node is tucked into his base. Moving the mins around would make the bases even more unbalanced, so I just hope that red claims that mineral only expansion before his opponent sieges it ;).
hm, major imbalance now with that gas.
try to change the mainbases in a way you can get unsiegeable gas AND good gas placement.

map looks nice so far, though it's not a big deal making a good airmap

still one nice map.
and the 2.3-rating is underrated. gonna correct that now a bit
Fixed a few things. The bases aren't as pretty ;) but they are pretty much even. I'm pretty sure the gas nodes are fixed as well.