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(2)Altar Quest
Map ID: #929
Author: Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 01, 27 18:45
Comments (8)
This is one of my early maps, it's not that great and you can tell it was made a little noobish, but I think it plays ok.
I like the concept very much. It's very fresh and new for me at least... The main concept is the same that i try to use in (2)Xenomorph. 2 maps in 1 . And you can pass to one of the faces of the map only trought mains.
Anyway i would like to "pimp" this one. I want to tuch most of the expands on the map, and their positions too, not only mineral placement...
I will do it as soon as i find some time, and i will upload the image here. If you like the map i will give the file to you.
if you KNOW it's bad, why do you upload it?
because he wants to improve it maybe?
I do like this map too.
and now improvement proposals:
bigger mains
open up the middle part a lot. You can like do a 1-rax wallin there.
Some people will tell you to put like 4 new expansions on the map, don`t do it. It`s refreshing to see a 2-player map that is not as rich as a 4player map for once.
Should I submit this to the "pimp my map" section, or are you just going to personally "pimp" it?
He jsut wants to "pimp2 it himself and show you how it became, so you can decide if you want to change yours again, atke his "version" or leave it be. ^^
Anyway i would like to "pimp" this one. I want to tuch most of the expands on the map, and their positions too, not only mineral placement...
I will do it as soon as i find some time, and i will upload the image here. If you like the map i will give the file to you.
I do like this map too.
and now improvement proposals:
Some people will tell you to put like 4 new expansions on the map, don`t do it. It`s refreshing to see a 2-player map that is not as rich as a 4player map for once.
But the map looks really interesting. GW.