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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)neo strawberries
Map ID: #932
Author: noname
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 12, 26 18:17
Comments (20)
i took an kinda older map of mine and redid it. things to point out are:
..the main-bases have two entrances. one of them is blocked with a building(ling save afaik). i did some testing and had no path finding problems when sending units to the enemy.
..theres only one chance to get a third gas expo per player. maybe i should place a gas nod at 11/5 o'clock.?
..the middle is unbuildable-asphalt :] i created it out of bridge-tiles (saw that on a map over at mapdori). i know, that there are some blocky parts in that area, but i don't think "normal" players would notice it during the game.
..thats it for now.
what do you think? any suggestions? thanks in advance. :)
you see on the mapname when noname uploads a new map :)
yah :D
looks really cool.
actually I think the map will be better off WITHOUT the blocking building. I know that you created the map with this as main part of concept (or you just accidentally made everything right in order to gain good pathfinding)
keep in mind that a terran can shoot your main from outside from behind this building. and he can even repair it if you try to kill it for getting close to tanks.
if you close that path, you can push the highground+minonly a bit bakc and then you'll have still a weird expo. but better remove this long cliffwallif you do this. it's a quite tight passage through the middle anyway.
and remove those 2 small isles. i don't think they'll do any good, they're too close to everywhere ;D
god. if I look some longer on it, I'll probably shit on the termpaper and go playin. which is not good. i will stop looking on that picture now.
If he removes the isles he needs to place another gas somewhere else.
The 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock expos seem too easy to take and defend to me. Unless I'm going blind (which I am), I only see one long way to get to that expo, which also involves going through another expo.
Also, there aren't any ways to sneak an army around at the moment. But I think you could kill two birds with one stone by putting dirt where those highground thin walls meet the water. Check GMCS.
Ahh, so it turns out I AM blind. I just saw the building blocks. I'd still open up the spot I said though. Otherwise it's still too easy to take these, in my opinion.
Also, I think flo is right about the building block being too close to the main. I don't really know how I'd solve it, but if you can work around it, that'd be nice.
--v mOsQ
hm nice map
why would anyone wanna kill birds? :)
Really, really nice work! Great job, noname! I was wondering whats wrong with the gas at first expands? On the picture it seems that it's a little far from the mins, but i don't know how it's in game...
comsat doesnt fit on left island.. as stated before, the islands are not that good.. besides that i think the map is ok as it is. Dont twist it up with many new paths. Make the ones you got there already to be exelent instead.
thanks for all the feedback. i took some of the advices and made some changes:
..removed islands
..added gas to the 2nd nat instead
..changed blues mins/gas
..moved block-buildings a tad further away from starting-location
..changed the building to cerebrat (more health / regaining health with time)
..opend up a way from the sidepath to middle
what do you think?
i had to cahnge the neutral-buildings again. the cerebrats weren't ling safe. changed to stasis-cell (and this time i tested ling safe, before uploading ^^)
i also moved red choke a tad for better path finding.
GREAT! I love how this turned out :).
noname, congratilations! I hope you soon make the final and observer version of the map.
i revisited the map again.. and somehow i started to hate the min-only cliffs. :/ i did some changes. what do you think of them being kinda like this?
I like both versions. In the second one the gameplay might be more smooth, but i think that terran will have very hard time protecting his front expand. I had a lot of experience in open 2+ entries in other maps with terran and just 12 zilots from the one side ant the rest of the army from the other side is enought to kill whatever you want. You all know what 12 zilots can do in dmg in the back of a terran... Anyway its not about the 12 zilots its about the new very open expand, wich will be hard to protect with terran most...
I don't like 2nd version. it seems ok and good, but the original one is way better in style and gameplay.
natural would be too gay on 2nd.
Hm the pathfinding is very gay on the top position. I just played the map with hefty. Please do something about it.
Yeah I think first version is better.
ok. heres the final version. obs also added.
..made some minimal changes with the ramps and did a test game aganst cpu. didn't have any ai-probs.
..i extended the min only cliff at 6 o'clock a little bit, so that the gas is attackable like at 12 o'clock
i also kept the cliff for final since you don't like the non-cliff version.
i took an kinda older map of mine and redid it. things to point out are:
..the main-bases have two entrances. one of them is blocked with a building(ling save afaik). i did some testing and had no path finding problems when sending units to the enemy.
..theres only one chance to get a third gas expo per player. maybe i should place a gas nod at 11/5 o'clock.?
..the middle is unbuildable-asphalt :] i created it out of bridge-tiles (saw that on a map over at mapdori). i know, that there are some blocky parts in that area, but i don't think "normal" players would notice it during the game.
..thats it for now.
what do you think? any suggestions? thanks in advance. :)
looks really cool.
actually I think the map will be better off WITHOUT the blocking building. I know that you created the map with this as main part of concept (or you just accidentally made everything right in order to gain good pathfinding)
keep in mind that a terran can shoot your main from outside from behind this building. and he can even repair it if you try to kill it for getting close to tanks.
if you close that path, you can push the highground+minonly a bit bakc and then you'll have still a weird expo. but better remove this long cliffwallif you do this. it's a quite tight passage through the middle anyway.
and remove those 2 small isles. i don't think they'll do any good, they're too close to everywhere ;D
god. if I look some longer on it, I'll probably shit on the termpaper and go playin. which is not good. i will stop looking on that picture now.
Also, there aren't any ways to sneak an army around at the moment. But I think you could kill two birds with one stone by putting dirt where those highground thin walls meet the water. Check GMCS.
Also, I think flo is right about the building block being too close to the main. I don't really know how I'd solve it, but if you can work around it, that'd be nice.
..removed islands
..added gas to the 2nd nat instead
..changed blues mins/gas
..moved block-buildings a tad further away from starting-location
..changed the building to cerebrat (more health / regaining health with time)
..opend up a way from the sidepath to middle
what do you think?
i also moved red choke a tad for better path finding.
like this?
natural would be too gay on 2nd.
..made some minimal changes with the ramps and did a test game aganst cpu. didn't have any ai-probs.
..i extended the min only cliff at 6 o'clock a little bit, so that the gas is attackable like at 12 o'clock
i also kept the cliff for final since you don't like the non-cliff version.