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(4)Dust of the Wind 1.1
Map ID: #946
Author: MillenniumArmy
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2006, 12, 29 21:58
Comments (13)
Yea it isn't the most beautiful thing in the world but that's not my main concern right now.
I was wondering whether it was a good idea to leave gases in the nats or just take em out. And I couldn't really find anywhere to place mineral only expos so I just placed em where they are right now.
So suggestions?
cute smiley face. Min onlies are kind of random, i hope they dont get in the way of pathing
They will... This is the biggest problem in this map.
Now i am really late for work, so i was fast in this. You can do the same at all positions, and better re-arrange of minerals, and tar. I am just in a HUGE HURRY! BYE!
Make bottom main bigger, i think there is less (well usable) building space there than on the other mains.
I do not like LGI's suggestion to make the corner expos fly-to, I prefer if they are walkable. There needs to be done something about the center though. I actually like the idea of having minerals in the center of the map that can be mined from more than one side, but confused units has to be reduced to a minimum. How about a "circle", star or rectangular, so that it is minable from 360° and has only a small length for units to get stuck.
How about this. I also took out gas from the nats.
Was taking the gas out a good decision?
I prefer gas nats :(
K, I guess gas nats are better.
- Took out middle expo
- Added gas back to nats
- Added new min expos
- Made observer ver
protoss can contain terran easly.
map is very open, no back doors. maybe some obsticles will be good
if your purpose is to make a open map then disreguard what i just said.
You mean Terran can contain protoss easily.Terran really should have instant win if he goes Nada or Gundam FE because if he makes an contain with mines and siege tanks that fast protoss shouldn't stand any chance.
I was wondering whether it was a good idea to leave gases in the nats or just take em out. And I couldn't really find anywhere to place mineral only expos so I just placed em where they are right now.
So suggestions?
Now i am really late for work, so i was fast in this. You can do the same at all positions, and better re-arrange of minerals, and tar. I am just in a HUGE HURRY! BYE!
I do not like LGI's suggestion to make the corner expos fly-to, I prefer if they are walkable. There needs to be done something about the center though. I actually like the idea of having minerals in the center of the map that can be mined from more than one side, but confused units has to be reduced to a minimum. How about a "circle", star or rectangular, so that it is minable from 360° and has only a small length for units to get stuck.
- Took out middle expo
- Added gas back to nats
- Added new min expos
- Made observer ver
map is very open, no back doors. maybe some obsticles will be good
if your purpose is to make a open map then disreguard what i just said.
Very very open middle, come on.