(2)Valley of Death
Map ID: #978

Author: NastyMarine
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 04 07:35

Comments (16)
I think the back path is too easily accessible at the moment, it'll tend to screw Terran players. Maybe wrong though.
yeah ur very right but the back door concept is so unique ... it opens up the game.. so other than the backdoor problem wit t... how does everyone feel about this map?
you could think of a neutral building to delay attacks on the backdoor.
from the rest, the map certainly got some style.
just, it's very tight which should not be good for gameplay/balance i guess

and right corner expos are _far_ away from combat zone, would remove those
i would stay away from the neutral buildings.. so many maps now have them or mineral blocks, its getting old imo. i never liked them from the beginning.
yeah i feel the same way about the nuetral building ... i really hate them imo..but they do help. i jus cant see them in any of my maps.. and when it comes to the expos on the far side, i modified them .. the high ground and corner gas has 4k gas... and the mins have 1k instead of 1500 makin them equally valuable.. and its tight for mainly one reason. for t... i mean there is lots of space for p in tvp and what not... but t always has the disadvantage u kno.. so its wide but also i dont want too much help for p in this map
--v mOsQ
not bad, but i don't like simple duel maps -.-
well i feel this map can do some damage motw.. should take out the high ground in the mid and jus keep it open?
should i take the high ground in the mid and make it completely open?**
aight i made a few changes.. the backdoors are large enuff for one rax.. so if a t player wanted to he/she can block that small space before the ramp. I also open the whole thing up in the middle.. im very happy with it.. take a look at comment plz.. im pretty proud of this map so i appreciate any comment
Nice map. Imo, its as good as it is. If you do any more modifications to it, it might imba the map so I would stick with this.

If you want to make a map somewhat based on this layout style, you should go cross pos. That would be truly unique and gosu gameplay. ^^;
ZvT is impossible with that backdoor.
not impossible. jus difficult.. the game was made to be challenging -_- . but yeah i see what ur saying... but theres ways around that. FE and jus leave ur units near that back door.. i mean any other race has the same problems.. p would have a problem pvz.. z has disadvantage in tvz. and t in tvp .. and thats jus how the game is.. i mean there are ways around it good point tho
my suggestion is to make the expos in the corner small expos like 6 mineral ones , no gas. and just trash the backdoor and put either a small island here with gas 5-6 minerals or ramp leading down to a closed off min only like blade storm
UPDATE: i took some mineral blocks away from the corner expos and made all of them default. i also did that for the high ground expos as well.. added critters too. take alook and leave a final comment thx. thx for suggestion inept. but i did keep the back entrance
can some one make a rep of this plz so i can see how it plays? cause i cant.. im in college and shit.. i'd appreciate it
UPDATED: I modified red's main a bit. and jus small modifications. any comments?
modified by NastyMarine