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(2)Found Temple
Map ID: #990
Author: Raelcun
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 15 22:13
Comments (12)
Very plain at the moment working on the little things criticisms on balance and other elements are welcome.
The map is about as creative as the name
and that's not a good thing
in major need of decoration.
natural expansions are way too open, it will be impossible for t to defend them. they should also usualyl have gas.
1 path to 3 nats is not good, even if it is wide like you made it. i would move the nats closer to the main choke, and make routes from the nats to the 3 expo area in the top left.
good job with the water behind the bases keeping siege tanks under control
I guess I didnt quite make it clear, right now I'm worrying about placement movement of units retooling paths etc I havent gotten to decoration because if I decorate it and make it look all pretty then what happens if I have to completely remake a section. I'm screwed heh. I'm looking more for criticism on balance placement and unit movements before I even think about decorating it.
rename correctly
well, before you seek help, you should try to establish a normal map first. what you uploaded here is in a stage that goes at maximum for "first rough concept drawing"
and drop the space between the "(2)" and the "found"
NO: (2) Found Temple
YES: (2)Found Temple
thx modified by flothefreak
yea, post maps that are past the beginning stage. It doesnt look too great anyway... try keeping things balanced and equal landwise too.
Explain maybe why it doesnt look that great, what balance issues are you seeing. Which part has more land than the other. Be more specific please
the reason why it does not look bad:
[quote]before you seek help, you should try to establish a normal map first. what you uploaded here is in a stage that goes at maximum for "first rough concept drawing"[end quote]
lol wtf I can't find a temple, so much for "found temple" that thing in the east hardly counts unless you're aztec...
looks worse than my first map.(im still on my 4th map, so i can't critize. i need to do more mapping too).
It is really ugly. Three things:
1. Ugly.
2. Imba.
3. Next time use mirror.
and that's not a good thing
natural expansions are way too open, it will be impossible for t to defend them. they should also usualyl have gas.
1 path to 3 nats is not good, even if it is wide like you made it. i would move the nats closer to the main choke, and make routes from the nats to the 3 expo area in the top left.
good job with the water behind the bases keeping siege tanks under control
and drop the space between the "(2)" and the "found"
NO: (2) Found Temple
YES: (2)Found Temple
modified by flothefreak
[quote]before you seek help, you should try to establish a normal map first. what you uploaded here is in a stage that goes at maximum for "first rough concept drawing"[end quote]
1. Ugly.
2. Imba.
3. Next time use mirror.