(4)Prelude of Light_1.3
Map ID: #994

Author: Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 10, 14 21:06

Comments (109)
Another attempt at a four player map...

Basic enough to be versatile.
if it was a girl .. i'd ask it out on a date. Very good looking.. im likin' it... sexy... expos are nicely placed. can u wall the choke for the mains?
If it was a guy, I'd ask it out on a date.

Yeah, if you do it right, you can supply/rax wall the chokes before the natural.
Arena meets Hocus Peakus.

Reminds me of both maps, which both are good, so is this one.
Ugh, turns out maybe you can't wall that area off. It seems like you can, but lings/rines still get through (even scv's). I'm work on that.
ehh dont worry about it that much .. i mean look at how some maps t cant wall and they do fine. its ur choice but its not exactly nessasary.
I'd rather it be wallable, but i'm begginning to think that you can't wall on space. Units find gaps they shouldn't...
I guess terran players will be really heading for the air expand. From there they can shoot the gas stations to both gas expands infront of each player, and when they secure the air expand, they can also make a CC and have a nice expand, wich is a huge tactical element on the map...
LGI is right... you could move the nats more towards the mains though, there is room on the platform.

And in regards to walls: most of the time if you are doing lowground mains and lowground outside of them, it is better to have a 1rax wall. It's just easier to defend. You may have to use some high platforms to make the wall ling-proof.

BUT, don't think I don't like this map. In fact, I am really loving it right now. I mean to test it tomorrow night. If you tune it up and make some final touches, and it plays okay, I'll gladly submit it to MotWs.
modified by epidiOn
--v mOsQ
Arden(WoF), it's your best map su re ^_^
great look for sure.
how many zeals do you need to deny lings passing through? chow chow and KoC weren't that balanced in pvz ^^

good standard map, well made. still not freaking me out
really good map, this better get motw
just looked at it in game, the entrances to the nats should be a little narrower. Right now they are an entire screen. and to clarify, the mains cannot be walled in. they aren't even close.
i agree with epidion to move nats closer to miain, or move them farther out closer to the entrance if you make it narrower.
u play zelda 64? :)
this is an outstandig map, for sure, go(o)d work!!! this is chellenging me :)
Yes Sp, I just finished beating The Ocarina of Time for the 400000th time. I got the last heart piece ^.^

On another note...

I'll take care of the naturals and i'll try to fix the chokes.
OoT was pretty awsome ;)

Your maps have improved tremendously over a short period of time. Keep it up!
Officially 1-rax wallable (tested it myself).
Sweet! Great job Arden!

And mOsQ, I'm very proud of you!
This map looks boring.The only interesting thing is the middle and it isn't that fascination too.

Make it look more interesting,more complicated!Nobody wants maps like that anymore!(except total noobs 8[)
Let's get some reps going!
Arden, your wish is my command. One uploaded so far.
--v mOsQ
"we like forte" ^^;;
add some holes in the main mineral lines so scarabs can get through. Otherwise reaverdrops are much more useless :P
look at the arena 1.1 main mineral placements. They are the best afaik
Stop telling everybody to make everyting be perfect!Nobody cares about Gas Issue or scarabs not passing the minerals.
actually, I do care about scarab holes. and esp. little details that don't cause work at all but can be corrected easily are wise to be made
ACtually i do care about it. It's totally annoying to have no scarab hole. you should play more often.
I play everyday.Mostly 5-10games per day.
dont drop reaver behind the minerals...it is usually where the mines are anyway. if you want an effective reaver drop (even 2 tank shots wont take out a reaver and you will still get the shot) drop in right in the middle even if it gets shot (2or less) there. use scarab control to blow up at least half.
I'll fix this soon
how is this anything like arena Listoric..?

More of an azalea meets hokus peakus..

Wicked map, I like it a ton.
Scout, the gas issue is huge. In the beginning when you have ~12 workers, making that extra worker go to gas takes away a lot of minerals in a minute. Or not giving enough workers makes a big difference in your gas.

And oh how I do love seeing those scvs die to my scarabs.
--v mOsQ
loooool why my post "we like forte ?" is not displayed due to it's content ?
modified by Starparty
lgi, stop muting for no reason
Gave it a bit of a makeover. I realize how crappy my decoration skills are. I hope this looks a little better.

chnage it back!
Hange back only the center. It needs to be open.
I thought it was way too open before. In game it was just a bunch of nothing, which added no tactical elements to gameplay. I thought I would make it more interesting, but if you want the middle open i'll fix it.
At least make it 1/2 smaller.
I'll take out the space in the middle and just keep the small platform design (but on highground)
I like it, but i dislike the deco at the mains (stop making chessboards, all of you :D )

And, hwo is pathing, do units walk thorugh the center when sent to the enemy, or thorugh the lower or upper path?
My decoration is shitty, I know ;). I'm not sure about the pathing.
i played 2 games versus scoutwbf a few minutes ago

pvt and pvz
those were nice ones, although scout was not happy. he considered himself having played bad and thus he doesn't want me to upload reps -.-

i like that map, although it's maybe still (slightly) too open
modified by flothefreak
the map is way too simple.Make it more complicated.I only like complicated maps.
its not too open.. perfect size .. not too big .. not too small. very gosu map imo. Upload the reps! we're not lookin for skill .. lookin for gameplay
modified by NastyMarine
if scout allows me, i'll do so.

and my comment concerning the being "slightly too open" just comes from game feeling. it's much larger than it seems on jpeg, really. I didn't even dare to take my minonly versus Zerg somehow, but went for another main as 2nd expo :p
Yep the mineral only is impossible to defend cause you can easily get overrun over the bridge and normal ground.^^
Hm... I'm not sure how I would tighten the min only... any suggestions?
modified by Arden(WoF)
btw, the map rocks as hell :D
but remove a few of the unbuildable doodads around the natural plz
Jus make one bridge where the doble bridges are.. jus make it a bite wider than a regular one. and try to keep it away from the mineral line.
Move the space more to the mineral only and remove one bridge.This will make it more easy to defend.
yap, this would help. but then, enlarge this bridge slightly, because one single standard-size-bridge would be too tight then imo
thats basically wat i sed....
Hm... Then I feel that the two single bridges left would be a bit close. Do you think I should move the minerals towards the space and leave the bridges that are closer to the mains? This would divide the bottom expansion a bit more.
remove that one doodad at 6... its a complete eye sore and it makes that side of the choke smaller than its right and 12 oclock counterparts.
just tried, my proposal in this post was not executable
modified by flothefreak
no. jus make one bridge (a bit wider than the default ones) in the middle of that space.. it would be jus fine. That expo is gonna be tuff to defend no matter what .. so improving the layout how i jus explain wuld make it so much better.

or u can do what flo sed.. but i wuldnt approve of doin that or be comfortable playing it like that.
modified by NastyMarine
modified by NastyMarine
That might just annoy people, Like the main ramps on (4)Sin or w/e it's called. (directed at flo)
modified by Arden(WoF)

modified by NastyMarine
well, one enlargened brigde would definetly help the issue. the negative thing: nothing is so sexy as two bridges :)

would damage the game feeling a bit, but would help the gameplay and balance... you gotta decide what you want.
-keep those two and maybe add some blocking doodads on the side of the minonly (like, those banners would probably help, for example if terran uses them to cover sieged tanks)
-make one enlargened bridge. wouldn't be as stylish as the two, but is an easy way...

i love this setup so much, I'd suggest the first way...try to arrange it with doodads that the minonly is more safe from attacks coming over the bridges
I think I've discovered a solution (sadly it involves the bigger single bridge) but i thnink this will work
changes so far look good, dont tighten it anymore, watch building space
Hm... I think there's enough room as of now. I won't need to make it any tighter, it's just tight enough to protect expansions.
yap, perfect gameplay now. really. i loved it from the very beginning when playing this map.

only problem is the chokepoint in pvz, cuz you need very early gates to defend against zergling
maybe think about a mineral (~16 value) to tighten choke...
with one zealot and 3-4 probes you can easily pwn any ling rush. The choke is 1rax wallable, I don;t think it needs to be any tighter.
true , Motw Anyone? ;)
modified by Listoric
you need about 3-4 probes temporarly NOT mining to defend a proper 9pool with 1 zeal only.
and once they're in your base, you can write GG versus each middleskilled zerg...
Or you close the path a bit with a pylon or a gate.
well, then it's maybe possible for zergling to slip through pylon and wall or so.
plus, zerglings may be able to attack the pylon then unharmed. and even if that doesn't happen:

your choke gets SO tight then for larger unit movements, plus, if you do it by pylon, you'll have trouble to put some more gates attached to this pyl.

that's why i do not like it^^

well, only personal. if others think otherwise, scoutwbf may be right, though
modified by flothefreak
Had to fix the bridges a little bit.
ogogo motw
Nice game epidion. You played a better zerg than he did his protoss, still very nice to watch. Think the new version playes even better. Great map.
can't stress how much i love this one
can i marry your map?
fix obs vers pls


Its a shame that still happens so often. check your $§%& obs versions dudes....

I'm really sorry that this keeps happening, every time I fix a small portion of the map, I have to remake the obs version with the small adjustments. Because of this, I am 100% more likely to make a mistake. What did I screw up?
Did I leave something out? Or are there more problems with the actual triggers?
Btw, I can't fix this until sunday afternoon (at my dad's) so feel free to fix it yourself if you realy need an obs game.
Wow. This is probably the mot random thing I'll ever say, but am I the only one who thinks the top two bases look like two guys arm wrestling?
With a big portion of fantasy yeah. Just yesterday i saw a map where an angry ape shittet an expansion onto the floor... X)
We need to upload some games on the more recent version, it's changed a lot
oke, i will upload 2 games then
Who wants to take me on, bo5, this map.
With a big portion of fantasy yeah. Just yesterday i saw a map where an angry ape shittet an expansion onto the floor... X)

What map?
why is the maps rating so low?
because people are gay, yen ;)

wanna 1:1 on it today? before i go over to my friends house? like now? ;P
Ok... I checked my obs version, and I can't find a problem, what's wrong with it?
The game Panschk vs Zorg was really cool. Check that out :)
Pssshhhhhh TvT's are for losers. lol
This is such a cool map.
Sorry falcon, I got finals this week so im busy studying. My school has trimesters..
This is a zerg map because of the fact that the zerg can hatch first and not have to hatch at choke and can mass extremely fast and take lots of expos easily. its unbalanced for zerg because the terran cant push and the protoss cant rush and the terran will have a hard time walling 0.
oh come on. the map has the same natural layout as 90% of the well known and much played maps out there. How come it is imbalanced? Maybe you just play too strong zerg players :O
"Terran has a hard time walling"


Perfect 1rax wall.
no i dont im B- on pgt and im telling you zerg that can fast hatch there expo gives unbalance ZvP and walling with 1 rax is annoying for any terran when they have to get there army out it takes forever.

Slight annoyance <<<<<<<<<<<< Victory
modified by Arden(WoF)
fast exp. is a common build. an open middle would make PvZ natural so fuckin hard to defend, as well as FE in ZvT, or the natural in TvP.

safe FE for zerg IS strong, but well, a harder gets even more complaints.
For some reason, I don't seem to quite like the terrain design of the main bases as much as compared to the rest of the map -_-
I love it.
just an fyi, the gas nodes can be seiged from the 3/9 expos
i think that's on purpose ;)
for some reason i have a hard time believing anyone in the clan JF is higher then C-.

what is your account lightning?
I think the obs works now
I look back at this map and I feel that it could have been executed much better... I wasn't really at the hight of my mapping skills when this map came out, it was one of my first. I really enjoy the concept, I just think that some adjustments should be made in the areas of mineral placement and a little land adjustment... It's a little too late for changes now though, so I'll just let it go. But I do want people to realize that this is the old me =).
so these means we will see better maps than this one?cooooool.
mineral lines could be better :/