Map ID: #1038

Author: ropedy
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 07 17:27

Comments (9)
I was going to make this for 4 players but because I have busy with school I didn't. At strating point there are 2 mineralsobstacels with only 32 minerals so players can get out.
modified by ropedy
YO dont have to finnish the map before you go to school you know :P

interesting concept. I would mabye pimp it if the map had a different layout...
lmao this is a funny concept but you need to make the mainbases bigger. i love a good strange cheese game maybe i will try something like this on 64x64 if you dont mind ?

Your expansion placement is horrible though. Dont pack them in the middle like that.
Big parts of the map are unused, maybe smaller map size would have been better.

I have no idea about balancing, I need to see replays first:O
Holy shit this map is real unsymmetrical! If you would make it quite symmetrical it could be a good map though!I like the idea...Can I steal it?*Cough*
You can take ideas and edit it freely. ^^

I think that I will make make this for 4 players in next week.
modified by ropedy

Ok... Now there is 2 more stratingpoints.
modified by ropedy
LOL, you better open it up a bit! With those two 1 rax only paths terran can just take over 1/2 of the map.
terran can win every game on this 100% of the time, build rax right in beginning and lift it off.