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(2)Tidal Waves
Map ID: #1040
Author: NastyMarine
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 28 23:57
Comments (15)
This map is about a month old. i been workin on it here and there. I like how it turned out... i kno most ppl dont like island maps but i think this one is pretty sexy. Comments appreciated
Gas issue :DD:D:D:D
There's not really a lot of islands maps in the database, i think this one looks nice, i like the bridge leading to the droppable land with unbuildable terrain D:D:D:D:
personally i dont think there is an exact issue at this point since they both are in the same exact position in both mains. but yeah it could be changed.. if more ppl feel the same i have no problem fixing it.
I don't have any problems with, but looks like we have some statistic with proofs on the effectivity of the issue, so i usually follow the gas issue DD::D:D:D:D:D:DD:D::D:
Updated a few minor things that prolly wont be noticed.. but the big thing i changed is the main's mineral and gas placement. i also decorated the map alil bit more. check it out
I like it alot.
yeah, it my favorite Nastymarine map :)
Pretty nice design and well executed:]
any more comments?
Observer is up and running! game on it til death!
Heh Nasty I like this map! Everything except bottom expos have gas issue.
man this is an old map XD thanks Deathman101
Your welcome lol...your map/freakin tired of rushes has inspiserd me to try island map making. Nobody tell me not to because I have the inspiration and have already spent 4 hours on the map.
There's not really a lot of islands maps in the database, i think this one looks nice, i like the bridge leading to the droppable land with unbuildable terrain D:D:D:D:
Pretty nice design and well executed:]
modified by ptar