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(4)Love For Ages
Map ID: #1177
Author: Spitfire[a2]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 12, 01 14:21
Comments (7)
Bah, guys. I'm too lazy this time to deal with the design, so I put the map somehow "unfinished" (for me). Wanna comments + suggestions about 5h position - I don't like it, but have no clue how to make it better without crashing the whole map concept.
8-8-6 btw ^^
i dont know whats the concept? then i can tell you. looks like sattarchasm/Rpoint islands together?
it will be more difficult to create original maps
kick the whole map. it is way under your level.
5th position? I don't wich one is "5th", but the blues main ramp is terribly tight, and in front of the ramp is also tight... But the map really have a lot of Sattarchasm in it's blood :)