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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1212
Author: flothefreak
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 06 20:01
Comments (27)
ID 1212 and it is worth it: a very "uncommon" map.
It is an airmap, at least at the beginning. all mineral expos block a path, but all got very low mineral values. so it turns more and more to a groundmap actually :)
it should provide a very different gameplay for sure ;D
further information:
showing the minvalues of the map:
showing how the center expos can be mined from outside and inside, and how the center gases can be taken (nexus reaches both at once)
i know pathing will be horrible, but it is an airmap :D
the whole concept is a mixture of two concepts:
the way of mining an entrance free (like on the map i sent to a few people concerning TANL contest) and the concept of another unfinished map: how do many low value minerals affect gameplay? you get minerals much faster, but expos disappear a lot faster, too.
so there is the molten result :D
i am still thinking of adding neutral (high-HP) buildings on spots i marked in GMCS.
what do you think of that map, and what about the neutral buildings i have in my mind (->gmcs)?
hm, is it too standard to comment?
yeah, this is too standard. LT CLONE
hm, at least it is no stupid +1 _SYMMETRIC_ clone
flo: ^^
otherwise i can't say anything about the map, coz i need to see, how does this harassable main mineral line changes the gameplay, coz it must change it totally
actually, i tested it in single player. the harassable minline is so fast mined away, unbelievable. didnt expect this...
i may have to change that (set from 500 to 750 or similar), but needs testing first :]
crazy expo layout, actually made me play on it.
Hm... I think Flo was high when he made this :)
yeah word... feels like the center is rounded/pushed out towards ur face.
i wasn't high, i was creative
haha, people get creative when they are high
crazyness. i dont know but it looks like P get screwed. I think its a Z or T map. T can harrass easily and Z can expo the shit out of the mid.
well, does somebody wants to test this with me? ;)
ill test it tonight and/or tomorrow
tho i want to test both my maps also! :) modified by NastyMarine
the dentist
if this wasn't his map, i bet flo would say "delete this map"
I really respect your effort and creativity, but I think that a map like this is just too experimental.
which doesn't mean it can't be fun and decent balanced. the problem is it needs hell lot of testing^^
and the dentist doesn't have any clue.
couldnt you just hop some marines and kill there peons?
im on right now if anyone wants to play.
the dentist
doesn't have a clue? you don't even know why t>z on nost. and you go around saying to delete everyone's maps without saying what's wrong with them. why can't we do it to you? this map is too experimental and obviously not going to work right now. let's delete it.
that is what i said: you have no clue. you have no clue why or to what maps i suggest deleting it.
i say "delete it" if the concept has heavy flaws and/or is just not working. a map without neutral expos, but 3 gasexpos in the main (with choke) would get a "delete it".
and i know a gasless minonly favors T in TvZ, i was only referring to panschk's post about it.
for this map: prove me that the concept doesn't work _at all_. show me 100 games on it with so heavy abuses that - no matter with what changes - the map doesn't work. then you may say it doesn't work. it is way too experimental FOR YOU TO SAY it wouldn't.
but with concepts like the 3-bases-in-main-but-no-neutral-expos, you can easily say they don't work.
you see, you had no clue, because you don't even had an idea why i make harsh comments. if a map doesn't work at all and nobody says it, you really give a wrong sign to a mapper. just look permafrost, i always liked this map.
we really should do a database clean though.
the dentist
we have no clue why you say to delete a map because you don't say what's wrong with it. you go around like an ass making faces at whatever you don't like like a big baby. you could give constructive feedback but instead you say to just delete it. that is so pompous of you..
3 gas expos in the main with choke isn't necessarily broken. believe it or not there is more to broodwar than copying the balance of the same 1-2 maps. if you actually knew how to play broodwar you would know this.
you demand 100 games on it with heavy abuses to show the map doesn't work? yet you can say "delete it" without even explaining? that is such hypocracy. for your maps, you can experiment and demand 100 games to show its problems before deleting it. but you just say the word to have other maps deleted. hypocrit. pompous....
this is way more experimental than the map you keep referring to....... YOU have no idea. fucking newbie go play with other newbies on this site.
the one starting the "you are newb"lines usually is the biggest noob himself. and it it _those ones_ who lack arguments or understanding.
"3 gas expos in the main with choke isn't necessarily broken."
do you play possi?
i can demand 100 games on a such experimental map. if the concept of a map is bad while still relying on standard gaming issues, you definetly CAN say it. 3mains in base with choke is still nothing too experimental and thrilling, but calcuable.
if you are so much better in game comprehension and mapping, prove it, I daresay.
i still don't see it why you can't understand that an obviously bad map - which is proven to be _not_ working - is only taking space on the webspace.
"YOU have no idea. fucking newbie go play with other newbies on this site." I may quote this, so the next time you write "pompous asshole", you'll be able to delete it in time.
t overwhelming.
yeah but i have many things to change, such as swarms on the minerals, additional entrances etc.
It is an airmap, at least at the beginning. all mineral expos block a path, but all got very low mineral values. so it turns more and more to a groundmap actually :)
it should provide a very different gameplay for sure ;D
further information:
showing the minvalues of the map:
showing how the center expos can be mined from outside and inside, and how the center gases can be taken (nexus reaches both at once)
i know pathing will be horrible, but it is an airmap :D
the whole concept is a mixture of two concepts:
the way of mining an entrance free (like on the map i sent to a few people concerning TANL contest) and the concept of another unfinished map: how do many low value minerals affect gameplay? you get minerals much faster, but expos disappear a lot faster, too.
so there is the molten result :D
i am still thinking of adding neutral (high-HP) buildings on spots i marked in GMCS.
what do you think of that map, and what about the neutral buildings i have in my mind (->gmcs)?
otherwise i can't say anything about the map, coz i need to see, how does this harassable main mineral line changes the gameplay, coz it must change it totally
i may have to change that (set from 500 to 750 or similar), but needs testing first :]
crazyness. i dont know but it looks like P get screwed. I think its a Z or T map. T can harrass easily and Z can expo the shit out of the mid.
tho i want to test both my maps also! :)
modified by NastyMarine
and the dentist doesn't have any clue.
i say "delete it" if the concept has heavy flaws and/or is just not working. a map without neutral expos, but 3 gasexpos in the main (with choke) would get a "delete it".
and i know a gasless minonly favors T in TvZ, i was only referring to panschk's post about it.
for this map: prove me that the concept doesn't work _at all_. show me 100 games on it with so heavy abuses that - no matter with what changes - the map doesn't work. then you may say it doesn't work. it is way too experimental FOR YOU TO SAY it wouldn't.
but with concepts like the 3-bases-in-main-but-no-neutral-expos, you can easily say they don't work.
you see, you had no clue, because you don't even had an idea why i make harsh comments. if a map doesn't work at all and nobody says it, you really give a wrong sign to a mapper. just look permafrost, i always liked this map.
3 gas expos in the main with choke isn't necessarily broken. believe it or not there is more to broodwar than copying the balance of the same 1-2 maps. if you actually knew how to play broodwar you would know this.
you demand 100 games on it with heavy abuses to show the map doesn't work? yet you can say "delete it" without even explaining? that is such hypocracy. for your maps, you can experiment and demand 100 games to show its problems before deleting it. but you just say the word to have other maps deleted. hypocrit. pompous....
this is way more experimental than the map you keep referring to....... YOU have no idea. fucking newbie go play with other newbies on this site.
"3 gas expos in the main with choke isn't necessarily broken."
do you play possi?
i can demand 100 games on a such experimental map. if the concept of a map is bad while still relying on standard gaming issues, you definetly CAN say it. 3mains in base with choke is still nothing too experimental and thrilling, but calcuable.
if you are so much better in game comprehension and mapping, prove it, I daresay.
i still don't see it why you can't understand that an obviously bad map - which is proven to be _not_ working - is only taking space on the webspace.
"YOU have no idea. fucking newbie go play with other newbies on this site." I may quote this, so the next time you write "pompous asshole", you'll be able to delete it in time.