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(2)Two Counties
Map ID: #1340
Author: NastyMarine
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 02 04:09
Comments (16)
i made this map awhile ago and jus havent submitted it. this will be my last map for awhile so enjoy :)
okay so here i tried to make suttin dynamic and i ended up wit 2 battle fields kinda haha.. i like the layout alot and it suits wat i intended (dynamic map)... u can expect alot of hard yet entertaining tvp and zvp battles.. tvz will be hard (for t) b/c the expos are so far apart and it forces t to react faster than normal if z decides to go expo grabbing around the map. the middle highground expos which t can take and hold down pretty easily are the only thing that favors t in this map imo.
besides that .. im pretty happy with the outcome..
a suggestion was made by valkryion in the pgt forums to widen the ramps that lead to the high ground expos in the middle.. should this change be made?
as always: suggestions and comments appreciated modified by NastyMarine
Visually captivating. This map looks so awesome, there are so many tiny elements that make this map unique, and they all pull together to form a great map. Very well done.
I'm not sure if the wide ramps are a good idea. It might make it harder for Terran to hold those two expos, which is a good thing. But I'm still not sure.
--I wonder if it's too late for MOTW =/. If so, next week gogo! Very sweet. modified by Arden(WoF)
the expansiosn lie really awkward somehow...dunno how to describe it, but they dont seem to be comfortable for the players.
very nice ideas, though and an awesome look. sp-like
Maps with so many custom ramps should really get tested before they get any award though. Make sure they are all equally wide, can walled etc.
Well, I'm sure that they all have the same width. Usually you make one, then copy it several times. But testing would be appropriate. modified by Arden(WoF)
I think zerg will have a really hard time against protoss and terran.CAn't see an expansion that could be held against a bigger group of units.
unlike baek du gan du the ramps here are appropriate width in relation to the original ones.. and they can be walled correctly.
UPDATED: Minor changes in the terrain made. more decoration/new doodads and 2 doodads were taken out of the middle
any more comments?
i think it would be smart to take out those 2 center expansions on top of the cliff, because you already have another expansion 2 inches away.
Hm, mayby delete two of the expands on the map? I think they are too many for 2 players.
Yeah, I'd delete the expos that are against the center cliffs, and put the gas on top of there instead. It'd be too easy to get both expansions, one of them has to go.
shit.. well they both seem pretty well placed imo.. decision.. to keep another min only or another gas expand...
remove standard ramps on those cliffs in the middle and replace them with big ramps, imo is better for tvp. modified by Valkyrion
He may be right. And the terrain practically begs for it. It'l fit right in.
This is another (2)MOTY candidate, please give feedback on this map. I really like it, it's original, has a balance of tight/open, and has no issues that I can see.
Although the inverted ramps need an update, and larger ramps in the middle won't hurt at all.
The one thing I can see possibly wrong is the lack of a middle path which could lead to pathing issues.
okay so here i tried to make suttin dynamic and i ended up wit 2 battle fields kinda haha.. i like the layout alot and it suits wat i intended (dynamic map)... u can expect alot of hard yet entertaining tvp and zvp battles.. tvz will be hard (for t) b/c the expos are so far apart and it forces t to react faster than normal if z decides to go expo grabbing around the map. the middle highground expos which t can take and hold down pretty easily are the only thing that favors t in this map imo.
besides that .. im pretty happy with the outcome..
a suggestion was made by valkryion in the pgt forums to widen the ramps that lead to the high ground expos in the middle.. should this change be made?
as always: suggestions and comments appreciated
modified by NastyMarine
I'm not sure if the wide ramps are a good idea. It might make it harder for Terran to hold those two expos, which is a good thing. But I'm still not sure.
--I wonder if it's too late for MOTW =/. If so, next week gogo! Very sweet.
modified by Arden(WoF)
very nice ideas, though and an awesome look. sp-like
modified by Arden(WoF)
modified by Valkyrion
Although the inverted ramps need an update, and larger ramps in the middle won't hurt at all.
The one thing I can see possibly wrong is the lack of a middle path which could lead to pathing issues.