(4)Stay 1.0
Map ID: #1647

Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 12 22:09

Comments (20)
terran paradise on horizontal pos.
zerg fe to min line and you got a free gas exp
are you crazy? everybody will rush and rape you as soon as you try to expand so far away from homebase.
yes, i am crazy, scientifically proven even lol

i do it on multiple occasions, and hardly ever get in trouble

( i am talking about a 12 hatch, not a 9 )
thats because your a noob that plays noobs..?
lol, partially true i guess (that means for the biggest part)

but it just occured to me that the map is, well easy closeable at the min only line

there is only one way into the main, and that leads through 2 possible bases. uh, you understand? (soz, dont mean to offend, hard to explain)
no 5pool, won't work sorry.

I like this map, I don't see any problems.
Small main forces t and p to early expo for room. Z can obviously predict this and go for an early 2 expo because they can. But I would take nat before min only ^^
Because the main is less important harassing it will be easier, especially since it is fairly small.
Imo the cliffs at 3 and 9 are pretty useless... Once you take your minonly, they are inaccessible and before that your enemy defends at his natural. I'd like it if there was some sort of Gaema-style to these cliffs, but for the minonly.
hm, ok :D

just something that came to my mind :) no worries
wow very nice, i like it alot.. good layout, nice execution.
- why are the expansions at the bottom that close to the choke?
- are you able to create a more interesting layout at 12 and 6?

if these two things are fixed, some more minerals shiftd on some positions (like the mineral only so that it isn't reachable from the center highground with tanks and stuff, i'd see possible a MotW here.

I like it.

And the horizontal doesn't create an T > all effect. Just take RoV as an example - THATs T>all - at least i'd say this when someone would ask me :P
uh... RoV = T>all? Oo
Top mins only expos are easier to choke than bottom's
Okay, Zerg ALWAYS early expo to the gas expo outside their base. Even vs a dual gate or marine rush, a couple lings and very little micro takes care of you. Going muta or lurk with single gas is suicide so early gas is needed.

I like this map, it looks nice and is set up pretty well I think. Will make for good gameplay.
Arcadia III
Yeah. This map is for Arcadia family
i dont think it is arcadia, this is not straightforward, there is a little building space, natural area is much bigger and not tankable from outside (well it is droppable then :D)

maybe the placement of the chokes and neutral expansion layout likes that map, but it is a nice layout, could produce some nice fights here. pretty good
this is not arcadia lol...
wow this map is terrible
lol... I've seen far worse =/