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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1703
Author: GriG
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 21 14:38
Comments (31)
again very easy expo grabbing (so: macroish), but the map itself is very innovativ, good looking, has correct pathing (even though you have a lot "artifical" blockade in it!) and a very original flow. roughly estimated: about 300 times better than desert flower. THIS map is great. i truly am impressed.
shorten down the macro-aspect, though ;)
just drop quite a few minerals at the expos, lower the ressources' value etc
Oh, so you can actully make a map whitout even one straight line on such terrains like jungle. Same as flo. This map is better then Desert Flower. Anyway i can't see the gas on this map... I really think that you should add more gas.
Are you sure its his map? I don't get it how Grig could possibly make (4)Map_for_Pimp and this one in te same week, with so much decoration/style/doodads/innovative ideas
I can't verify atm, but i think Grig usually protect his maps, is this one protected too? modified by trcc
yea its protected. it looks good, but theres mineral onlies everywhere...did you want to have marines/medics vs zealots vs zerglings on this map ?
Wow, this is much better than your other maps. The mains seem too small, and the map definitely needs more gas.
well it would be a macro map, but there is no room to macro with the small mains. hence; make the mains *bigger*. Oops :P
other than that, its a big improvement in ur map list. good work. modified by NastyMarine
Update map
1. Added more gas.
2. Reduce mains resources.
remove protection dude...
yes please grig.. what are u afraid of???? No one is going to steal ur map here; i think we all have more dignity than that. Plus its just annoying, other than playing on it, i'd like to see it closer for learning how to place my buildings etc.
Ok. I remove protection.
Update map. Add obs version. modified by GriG
nice map :)
mayb the gas at the expansions @11 and @5 should be moved to the opposite location (because it can be disturbing for units to pass through the mining workers)
wtf about the CC in the middle?!
No GriG map withou randomly placed neutral buildings Oo
Update map. Remove CC in the middle.
lookin good grig, u got my vote for motw :)
Update map. Repair small min blocks in islands. modified by GriG
¼¶¸ÖƼ ³¯¹æÀÇ Àǹ̰¡ ¾ø³×¿ä.
Update map. modified by GriG
you destroyed your map. for gods sake and all saints, restore the old version
Sorry. I restore old version.
i just escaped a heart attack *puh*
What was it like? :p
I added one replay ^^
Update map. Increase main bases and close off the very middle a little.
why cant you leave the middle as it was? it was totally okay but 1000x times better than what you now have...
yep, previous version was better
Funny last post ifyou consider this just go motw Oo
shorten down the macro-aspect, though ;)
just drop quite a few minerals at the expos, lower the ressources' value etc
I can't verify atm, but i think Grig usually protect his maps, is this one protected too?
modified by trcc
well it would be a macro map, but there is no room to macro with the small mains. hence; make the mains *bigger*. Oops :P
other than that, its a big improvement in ur map list. good work.
modified by NastyMarine
1. Added more gas.
2. Reduce mains resources.
modified by GriG
mayb the gas at the expansions @11 and @5 should be moved to the opposite location (because it can be disturbing for units to pass through the mining workers)
modified by GriG
modified by GriG