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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)The Little Dipper
Map ID: #1716
Author: lnept
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 08 14:59
Comments (18)
READ please
4 minerals next to main = 750 (for zerg to equal out at 11 minerals vs 7.
tiny solar array in front of base, blocks bunkers to be lined up with turrets, so if you put lurkers correctly you can avoid detection. 5 minerals up top are 750 as well. 2 minerals on top of catwalk are 250. the path going around is a flank if you keep an eye on when your opponent moves out.
update : made an opening at top to serve as an escape route.
no doodads for smooth gameplay
and made mains alittle smaller so tanks cant shoot (and if they can it is barely anytihng
scv rush ogogogo
well the distance is maybe 1-2 seconds faster then bloodbath. just step up your worker micro and np
lol, im so gonna love playing this :D
hm, gameplaywise almost exactly like bloodbath (for the outer route probably wont be used in early game, where the decision is made on such tiny maps)...not bad, but even less new stuff than a temple clone :S
well i was just trying to make a solid map for the most part for that tourney or w/e, i am goign to change a couple things when i get home
LT clone for sure...
LT Clone? you guys just say this shit to piss me off. and you wonder why i always have to argue with you fuckers
uhm, how is this an lt clone again?
constructive comments are hard to make it seems
it might be an idea to make it wallable? sorry, all i can give atm >< just seems to me that p and z have somewhat of an advantage over t.
then i accomplished that at least. the first 64x64 a terran wont dominate!
hehehe, got a point there ye :)
also maybe an idea to make a hole in the ridges going up? that way no t cant camp out in the small corridor and block anything coming in, while blasting exp :)
p or z better than T?
scv rush with some decent micro, i'd say :D
well that was the point of that little spot, a last minute mining spot as well as a way to get terran out of trouble. but lurker/storm > gg tight corridor :p
and i will update, making middle smaller and distance a bit longer so its same as bloodbath distance where SCV rush does definetly not win :P
King of 8 plr Maps
good map inept, this nice uncommon map modified by King of 8 plr Maps
@inept i was just kidding :) and yes it's only to piss you off :)
well website is being retarded , but i made distances longer
4 minerals next to main = 750 (for zerg to equal out at 11 minerals vs 7.
tiny solar array in front of base, blocks bunkers to be lined up with turrets, so if you put lurkers correctly you can avoid detection. 5 minerals up top are 750 as well. 2 minerals on top of catwalk are 250. the path going around is a flank if you keep an eye on when your opponent moves out.
no doodads for smooth gameplay
and made mains alittle smaller so tanks cant shoot (and if they can it is barely anytihng
constructive comments are hard to make it seems
it might be an idea to make it wallable? sorry, all i can give atm >< just seems to me that p and z have somewhat of an advantage over t.
scv rush with some decent micro, i'd say :D
and i will update, making middle smaller and distance a bit longer so its same as bloodbath distance where SCV rush does definetly not win :P
modified by King of 8 plr Maps