(2)Up & Down
Map ID: #1878

Author: th0t
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 12, 22 20:56

Comments (24)
I made this map for BWM Concept Event. No decoration yet. Any suggestions about expo placement or other ideas. Please tell me !
its def really cool. Players have to play differently on this map but it should play solid. I'm impressed with this layout. How about better terrain patterns at 1 and 7 and also 9 and 3?

put gas at the 9 and 3 expos
modified by NastyMarine
Yeah the patterns will be better, but now I haven't time for this. I add gas to the center expos, and I'm thinking about new minonly at 2 and 8. Suggestion added to GMCS. What do you think ?
modified by th0t

imagine a terran coming through the center on this map...of course nasty wants gas there hes terran.

please do not use bias when making suggestions, thats why its better if you play random

add a gas only to the highground on 9 and 3 for zerg 4th gas and its fine
modified by lnept
I am sure that you can make this concept a little more like Peaks of bakduu. You only have to make widden ramps! It will also make your path finding better.
I fear pathing problems here, with the mineral block.
The path finding is good I tested it.
No i dont want gas there b/c i am terran. I'd rather see it there than anywhere else. Why would you put it on the highground? that will give Terran more advantage.. its a easily securable area for terran if its on the highground. At least if you put the gas at the min only area at 9 and 3, then u have more area to flank any defense there.
omfg do u even know how to play tvp?

if its on the highground, thats ALL THE WAY ON THE LEFT, GIVING TOSS ROOM TO GO RIGHT.

if its put in the middle, TERRAN JUST PUSHES THROUGH AND CAMPS AND GETS 2 free gas
not to mention its a sole gas node
yea, i know how to play tvp. you are right, but still, if you moved that expo and made it gas, then it'd still be too tight there and still favor T. If its on the ground, it gives protoss a chance to attack that expo from a few different angles... where as if you put the expo on the high platform, it gives only one route of attack besides that narrow entrance that gives Terran a chance to pick off P units. do you understand?
no i dont understand. you leave that as a mineral expo, and put a sole gas node on the high ground.
you do realize just because you take an expo, i dont need to attack your siege right on, rofl
ok.. yea say that when a terran slow pushes to that position and has decent amount of defense around
OK this map has a very nice layout, plus it also includes the concept from trcc's competition. Good job :D

However I believe there are certain issues that should be solved before going on to other stuff, issues such as the main mineral count and expo placement. 7 minerals at the main puts P in a hole from the very start of the game, and such a wide open area for zerg's fast expand to the nat will kill him in ZvT. Other things like if the middle expos should have gas and/or if they should be in the middle or on the cliff blah blah blah aren't as important as what I've stated before.

There are some things I'd like to do with this map since it looks very interesting to play. So with your permission I'd like to re-edit your map and improve some stuff.
honestly you make no sense nasty your digging yourself into a hole like the inferior theorycrafter you are.

if he has "good defense around" as you put it, hes wasting defending a thing that is just giving him gas, no minerals. not to mention its all the way on the other side, so i can just take my army on the other highground part, go around and flank yuor main.

if the gas expo was in the middle, hed get minerals, gas, and central control.

honestly what the hell are you talking about? this is what im talking about when i say terran bias
w.e. man if you think so.
well if your just going to give up why do you bother trying to argue your case?
cuz you dont listen regardless of the point.
because your argument makes no sense -_-
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This is my version of th0t's map, I haven't added the reversed ramps yet and I still need to decorate the map a bit, but this is how its supposed to look. Teel me what you think of it :D
modified by GRC-DeathLink
that looks really good. Good rearrangement and still kept the bulk of the map the same.
I will have finished the updated version by tomorrow. There are still some things I want to try out, such as placing bridges in between the two center ramps and then placing mineral patches on that bridge (probably 24 minerals). I tried not to change the layout that much, but imo the cliffs @ 3 and 9 had to go. The map wasn't working with them there.
Wow its nice :) you can do what you want but i'm must be in credits ;]
modified by th0t
Yea, of course you will be in the credits :D