How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #2008
Author: DeSade
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2007, 04, 26 08:14
Comments (12)
Ok i put this in the experimental folder.
I dont claim it to be balanced (especially pvt could be difficult and the distances to the expansions defer a bit) but it should still be playable.
It features two aspects that I have not seen in a map before:
Expansions on non-buildable terain (high outpost)
and expansions where no sunkens can be placed while cannons can (at least near to it).
At some places the terrain maybe look a bit ugly because of the tiles I had to place there.
I hope you at least take a look at the map and maybe post some comment.
You dont have to like it though :)
I could balance it out I think but therefor I would have to redo it completely and that would be hell of a work because of the many tiles that have to be placed (Nonetheless if there should be interest in this map I will do it).
Note: -N/E and S/W (Island) expansions have 2500
-The mineralblock that closes the little
passages to the nearby expansions has 160
Uh... yeah... You stretched the image... a little...
Well, none of the elements on this map is really new. Expansions with limited space really aren't new, and tile-blending isn't either. High snow is a lower terrain level than high outpost, so it will have an effect as if that expansion is in a hole.
I generally advise you not to use such stuff in maps, terrain-level changes should only be where they are clearly visible to the players, such as ramps.
Also, this is not really required for the concept of your map, and you shouldn't mess with standards just because it's "new".
ahh I didnt consider the terrain-level thing.
Thanks for advice.
Can someone tell me how to place minerals on non-buildable ground? (have a solution then I think)
Image now correct.
check gmcs & tiles are really shitty all over, & the snow rock scatter is really good butt you have to much at some expos & it'll be hard for P to defend the expo vs zerg cuz he can't make cannons
good execution. The layout is very cool. I'd suggest you to make a better mineral line at 11.. its not very good :/
I`m relatively new to this page so can you help me out on gmcs plz?
Do the symbols have special meanings?
Click on the symbols and a message should pop up. The symbols are freely choosable by the one who adds a GMC. X usually means that you should delete something, $ means add an expansion and so on. But that depends on the text in the message box.
If no message box appears, check out the status bar at the bottom of your browser while hovering the mouse over the symbol - sometimes it is only displayed there.
This character ' is the forbidden character in GMCS, btw. Use it and all the text behind it will be cut off.
Minerals on unbuildable terrain: SCMD2/SF, maybe you have to change some settings in the menu, like allow illegal placement.
Thx for help everyone!
to tktkvroom: I`ve considered the improvements you
pointed out for me and repaired the map were I thought it was appropriate as you can see on the picture.
1. The mineral-block to the expansion is still 160
because thats one of the aspects that classify
this map experimental. If you start to mine
this spot as soon as you take your nat I think
you can reach the expansion through the passage
quite early. Also if there would be only 16
Terran could secure it quite soon which would
mean major imbalance imo.
2. I had the idea of placing a bridge where you
marked it myself but didnt do it. Now I tried
and woahh suits so perfectly! thx
3. The mins only expansions now at least have
quite the same layout. The possibility for
muta-harassment here is intended (experimental
if you want).
4. I dont know if its better in pvz to allow p to
build cannons or to not allow z to build
sunkens. You have to help me out on this.
5. The snow spots on the high platform are so tiny
now that you can just fit a hatchery in.
So it should not be a strategical problem in
game anymore.
btw how can I remove the gmcs symbols when I have fixed the deficits?
enough said :P
motw ftw!!!111111
modified by DeSade
my suggestions:
-make the expansions next to the mainbase mineralonlies and put them to the cliffedge (so more towards the middle and attackable from above - but with some space for 2-3 cannons/turrets/sunks behind minline)
-change top left mainramp, so it faces mirrored to the bottom right one.
-delete isles and minonlies and make an overall new structure there, redo the map entirely in those areas. the idea of doing something with bridges there is good.
-reshape and replace naturals, so they're more comfortable (also, put minblocks better)
what i'd like even better is something like that (only right part, done roughly and fast).
i would change the position and direction of the enlarged ramp, thus being able to put the expansion (little minonly) to the mapedge. then i'd add another gasexpo (maybe with EMPTY gas, because expos are quite close then) on the highground. at the center between the ramps, there COULD (this is only an option) be such a double-gas expo, with like, 1000gas each or similar.
together with a reshaped SW part of the map, this could get a hit (provided you decorate it good and stop using so many obstacle-doodads :O
giving only small space around expos is very annoying btw, use this careful. i like it on top right corner, but i dislike it at what is now gasexp and should become minonly.
better move the enlarged ramp (3ramps in my pic) some more to the mapedge and closer to the expansion itself. you dont need all this large pit that was created in my rough edit. modified by flothefreak
Wow thx for that. Nice that one of my maps gets such attention :D. Sadly I have some other things to do at the moment. But I promise it will be my first project when I find some time to get back to mapping.
btw it's really a good move to encourage ppl to improve their older maps in general imo. Because if nobody cares you don't care either and just start a new one.
I didn't realize I had forgotten to comment this, maybe I did in a competition thread or something... I really liked this map. I prefer the older version though, these mains for one are just gigantic =/
Decoration could be more complex, ie less large blocks of snow.
I dont claim it to be balanced (especially pvt could be difficult and the distances to the expansions defer a bit) but it should still be playable.
It features two aspects that I have not seen in a map before:
Expansions on non-buildable terain (high outpost)
and expansions where no sunkens can be placed while cannons can (at least near to it).
At some places the terrain maybe look a bit ugly because of the tiles I had to place there.
I hope you at least take a look at the map and maybe post some comment.
You dont have to like it though :)
I could balance it out I think but therefor I would have to redo it completely and that would be hell of a work because of the many tiles that have to be placed (Nonetheless if there should be interest in this map I will do it).
Note: -N/E and S/W (Island) expansions have 2500
-The mineralblock that closes the little
passages to the nearby expansions has 160
Well, none of the elements on this map is really new. Expansions with limited space really aren't new, and tile-blending isn't either. High snow is a lower terrain level than high outpost, so it will have an effect as if that expansion is in a hole.
I generally advise you not to use such stuff in maps, terrain-level changes should only be where they are clearly visible to the players, such as ramps.
Also, this is not really required for the concept of your map, and you shouldn't mess with standards just because it's "new".
Thanks for advice.
Can someone tell me how to place minerals on non-buildable ground? (have a solution then I think)
Image now correct.
Do the symbols have special meanings?
If no message box appears, check out the status bar at the bottom of your browser while hovering the mouse over the symbol - sometimes it is only displayed there.
This character ' is the forbidden character in GMCS, btw. Use it and all the text behind it will be cut off.
Minerals on unbuildable terrain: SCMD2/SF, maybe you have to change some settings in the menu, like allow illegal placement.
to tktkvroom: I`ve considered the improvements you
pointed out for me and repaired the map were I thought it was appropriate as you can see on the picture.
1. The mineral-block to the expansion is still 160
because thats one of the aspects that classify
this map experimental. If you start to mine
this spot as soon as you take your nat I think
you can reach the expansion through the passage
quite early. Also if there would be only 16
Terran could secure it quite soon which would
mean major imbalance imo.
2. I had the idea of placing a bridge where you
marked it myself but didnt do it. Now I tried
and woahh suits so perfectly! thx
3. The mins only expansions now at least have
quite the same layout. The possibility for
muta-harassment here is intended (experimental
if you want).
4. I dont know if its better in pvz to allow p to
build cannons or to not allow z to build
sunkens. You have to help me out on this.
5. The snow spots on the high platform are so tiny
now that you can just fit a hatchery in.
So it should not be a strategical problem in
game anymore.
btw how can I remove the gmcs symbols when I have fixed the deficits?
enough said :P
motw ftw!!!111111
modified by DeSade
-make the expansions next to the mainbase mineralonlies and put them to the cliffedge (so more towards the middle and attackable from above - but with some space for 2-3 cannons/turrets/sunks behind minline)
-change top left mainramp, so it faces mirrored to the bottom right one.
-delete isles and minonlies and make an overall new structure there, redo the map entirely in those areas. the idea of doing something with bridges there is good.
-reshape and replace naturals, so they're more comfortable (also, put minblocks better)
what i'd like even better is something like that (only right part, done roughly and fast).
i would change the position and direction of the enlarged ramp, thus being able to put the expansion (little minonly) to the mapedge. then i'd add another gasexpo (maybe with EMPTY gas, because expos are quite close then) on the highground. at the center between the ramps, there COULD (this is only an option) be such a double-gas expo, with like, 1000gas each or similar.
together with a reshaped SW part of the map, this could get a hit (provided you decorate it good and stop using so many obstacle-doodads :O
giving only small space around expos is very annoying btw, use this careful. i like it on top right corner, but i dislike it at what is now gasexp and should become minonly.
better move the enlarged ramp (3ramps in my pic) some more to the mapedge and closer to the expansion itself. you dont need all this large pit that was created in my rough edit.
modified by flothefreak
btw it's really a good move to encourage ppl to improve their older maps in general imo. Because if nobody cares you don't care either and just start a new one.
Decoration could be more complex, ie less large blocks of snow.