How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #2125
Author: RaDiX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 05, 13 20:21
Comments (28)
Kinda experimental map.. I really like this map :). It looks great imo, dunno about the imbas... :(
Building space is now the biggest problem. I tried to build a terran base there, and I made there 20supplys, 6fax, 12rax, 3starport. And it was very limited.
Show me your love <3
ps: Mass comment plz 8D modified by RaDiX
the execuation is good
but i fear that there are severe problems with the layout; the nats are very difficult to defend
I put a question to GMCS -->
i put my question also in GCMS :)
yeah that's my problem here....... Any ideas how to make it easier to defend?
Fixed natural placement, why on earth doesn't it show in the pic :S Is it only me?
EDIT: The top part 2 ramps are missing in the pic, they are in the map i''m just tired to edit the pic ^^ modified by RaDiX
very cool nd stylish map. i really like your path layout
i dont think you can get a sexier map than this one :O
however, horizontal matches will be unflankable. put nuetral buildings on the ramps leading to the 12 and 6 expo areas? that way it will promore more usage of the middle? or perhaps remove some or all of the psi distrupter wall and and the nuetrals where i am suggesting. you may have to do the same for 9 and 3 for vertical matches modified by NastyMarine
hmm so what, zerg loses if they play? This is a protoss map easy. I don't see how terran can beat p, and zerg will lose everygame.
"i dont think you can get a sexier map than this one :O" Thx... Btw nastymarine I didn't understand what u meant by your post, could u put gmcs...
@nightmarjoo: Why do u think z will lose every match? Z will get plenty of gas, because every expo is gas expo. And they're all semi-easy to defend
And in TvP Terran can also secure many gas expos, meaning he will have many tanks. Also there are many tight paths which favour terran. I truly disagree with you nightmarjoo... modified by RaDiX
radix, mayb try to hit ctrl+f5? :D
wow tampon u're a genius 8D. Hey me and my friend are gonna mass-test some maps this evening... Some1 could come to play with us. about from 18CET... Come Op ClanmJ @ europe and whisp me mJ.RaDiX and we'll play some fun test-games :P
Nasty plz place GMCS's... :P. I want to edit but ur post was very.. Confusing. --
those neutrals would fuck up the pathing :(
i am not sure...have you tried it? a fact is, that the way the map is now, there's a heavy balancing problem.
Umm there are some areas that have a ramp and some who dont :/ I'm gonna put gmcs i think
Where i put the "$" icon for gmcs.. the comment isnt showing. so i'll type it here:
Move that nat over closer to the wide ramp so Z can FE properly and cover the ramp. I think that change is necessary.
and i agree with flo's neutral building placement. IT will help the vertical gameplay so much. I think you should use a 1500 HP building.
but how about the pathing?
how many radix maps have i seen for just two weeks? :)
great one for being so fresh and stylish. on the contrary imbalance seems to be a big issue here. as the others pointed out, zerg early expansion is nearly impossible here even with 3 hatch.
also the center seems to be a little awkward to me for being so open, but the other parts are maybe too tight perhaps. imo zerg is in problem as they cant really fight against a beast terran who takes expansion by expansion and avoids to look at the center where he would be overwhelmed especially in late game. lurkers cant be used as tanks eat them, maybe more air unit is welcome here, but i think zerg cant allocate the resources such warfare requires. in pvz might also appear some kind of this situation, especially with cors+reva p attacks are very hard to handle with z in the sidepaths. in a pvt carrier will be a must and the ultimate unit. without it, terran would be very strong, but this unit changes everything.
well that was much theorycrafting, watch the reps with care instead. very interesting map. it was great to see you can execute more and more difficult layouts :)
on the left side. this setup would help balance, while still keeping the concept and making the map interesting. i dont know if it fucks up pathing, though...
Oh flo, i noticed your post too late :S. That's a nice idea btw ;). But anyways, i edited this by myself...
-Natural should be now more defendable.
-Deleted expansions from 12 and 6'o clock.
-Deco changed
Hey, i still want suggestions, and i really want this map being played somewhere :O.
where should you build now? :< in front of your nat? and this small entrance with ramp makes my eyes burn- that'll be so uncomfortable. think of something else.
Ok i will :)... I guess I will be using your idea flo, just little different ;).
Latest edit; I think u know what's changed
-I made it so that the middle will be used more, by making paths to lead to middle :).
-neutral buildings deleted
-Expands in 3 and 9 deleted, i put them to middle instead.
I think we are close to the final vers, i hope you love it, I do.
Making this map has been a wonderful pleasure to me... It has caused me several headaches, while thinking the solutions to many imbas of this map :)
you destroyed the whole charm of the map :(
those neutral buildings were fitting so well into this mapconcept, and there are hardly concepts where building walls fit in. i hope you have the old version left on your hard drive! if not, maybe i got it. you kind of took half of the potential away :<
horizontal pathfinding will be awkward through the gasexpos, i guess.
flo i have to say, it's for me it's pathing > concept...
I just couldn't keep the neutrals there, without ruining the pathing. Sry.
then keep the whole natural-highground of the mainbases, and keep the ramps - but erase everything else and try to make something good and reasonable of the center part of the the current version, you spoiled SO much potential.
I think the map's fine.
Maybe remove expos in middle and put some minonlys below 2nd nats or somewhere.
Building space is now the biggest problem. I tried to build a terran base there, and I made there 20supplys, 6fax, 12rax, 3starport. And it was very limited.
Show me your love <3
ps: Mass comment plz 8D
modified by RaDiX
but i fear that there are severe problems with the layout; the nats are very difficult to defend
EDIT: The top part 2 ramps are missing in the pic, they are in the map i''m just tired to edit the pic ^^
modified by RaDiX
however, horizontal matches will be unflankable. put nuetral buildings on the ramps leading to the 12 and 6 expo areas? that way it will promore more usage of the middle? or perhaps remove some or all of the psi distrupter wall and and the nuetrals where i am suggesting. you may have to do the same for 9 and 3 for vertical matches
modified by NastyMarine
@nightmarjoo: Why do u think z will lose every match? Z will get plenty of gas, because every expo is gas expo. And they're all semi-easy to defend
And in TvP Terran can also secure many gas expos, meaning he will have many tanks. Also there are many tight paths which favour terran. I truly disagree with you nightmarjoo...
modified by RaDiX
Where i put the "$" icon for gmcs.. the comment isnt showing. so i'll type it here:
Move that nat over closer to the wide ramp so Z can FE properly and cover the ramp. I think that change is necessary.
and i agree with flo's neutral building placement. IT will help the vertical gameplay so much. I think you should use a 1500 HP building.
great one for being so fresh and stylish. on the contrary imbalance seems to be a big issue here. as the others pointed out, zerg early expansion is nearly impossible here even with 3 hatch.
also the center seems to be a little awkward to me for being so open, but the other parts are maybe too tight perhaps. imo zerg is in problem as they cant really fight against a beast terran who takes expansion by expansion and avoids to look at the center where he would be overwhelmed especially in late game. lurkers cant be used as tanks eat them, maybe more air unit is welcome here, but i think zerg cant allocate the resources such warfare requires. in pvz might also appear some kind of this situation, especially with cors+reva p attacks are very hard to handle with z in the sidepaths. in a pvt carrier will be a must and the ultimate unit. without it, terran would be very strong, but this unit changes everything.
well that was much theorycrafting, watch the reps with care instead. very interesting map. it was great to see you can execute more and more difficult layouts :)
on the left side. this setup would help balance, while still keeping the concept and making the map interesting. i dont know if it fucks up pathing, though...
-Natural should be now more defendable.
-Deleted expansions from 12 and 6'o clock.
-Deco changed
Hey, i still want suggestions, and i really want this map being played somewhere :O.
-I made it so that the middle will be used more, by making paths to lead to middle :).
-neutral buildings deleted
-Expands in 3 and 9 deleted, i put them to middle instead.
I think we are close to the final vers, i hope you love it, I do.
Making this map has been a wonderful pleasure to me... It has caused me several headaches, while thinking the solutions to many imbas of this map :)
those neutral buildings were fitting so well into this mapconcept, and there are hardly concepts where building walls fit in. i hope you have the old version left on your hard drive! if not, maybe i got it. you kind of took half of the potential away :<
horizontal pathfinding will be awkward through the gasexpos, i guess.
I just couldn't keep the neutrals there, without ruining the pathing. Sry.
Maybe remove expos in middle and put some minonlys below 2nd nats or somewhere.
modified by DeSade