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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)Romanov Sanctum
Map ID: #2135
Author: Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 05, 29 13:43
Comments (14)
Ok... I got sick of the old Romanov (it's embarrassing to have it in my map lineup) so I made a refreshed version. It was so different from the original, that I simply named it differently - we can still keep and love our classic Romanov (or not).
At that top expansion with 12 minerals - two of those blocks are worth 1000 and two more are worth 500.
I like this a lot better.
whoa!!! jesus christ! some crazy pimpage! Just like the last version, i dont know how often the top will be used but thats for testing. :)
great job on this
Well, yeah... Same thing applies with this version. It's likely that people will forget about the rest of the map, which tends to happen with this type of symmetry. The same problem occurs in RoV (ish). All I can say is... scout the map ppl!
outstanding in decoration and overall overwhelming style. i especially like how you improved the map, like, a thousand times by still only "editing", because you kept all important structures of the map. the sidepath around the 2nd expo also pushes players some more to the top i guess.
Dude, I...
I'm in school, and like, we're not even supposed to be on the computers in this lab right now, and like, I came here, and saw this, and looked at the picture, and was like "?!??!?! YES!!" and the whole class looked at me >_>;
Anyway...Now that I can type this..
Vastly improved would be an understatement. I've been seeing people actually upload replays on Romanov Standoff 1.3, and I was looking at it again like it's not that bad a map. I love how you actually went through with the "pimping".
It seems that this was done for more competitive play. With the nat backdoor /ridge for 2nd nat..
I like, I like, I like, I wanna test. I think that the top might actually be used more in this one. And I like the powerful "island-within-an-island" expo on top...but isn't 12 mineral fields T and P heavy? Then again, since it's 500 and 1000 for two...
We'll see in the testing, right? ^^ (As if people actually test maps.)
Anyway...It looks like it will play better, but then again, you never know until it happens.
Top expos look vulnerable. Adds to the expo competition. Anyway, I gotta for now.
<3 this already.
The minonly at the top needs to be rich or otherwise you wouldn't use it at all. Who needs minerals when the game becomes air-heavy?
The design is great, and the map is not just a standard main-nat-nat-center map because of that path at the bottom. This should play well.
i love it.
why don't you change the 12 minonly to a double gayser? won't it take more action to the norht thing?
if a player colonize an expo in the island, it will break the main-nat-minonly structure.
are those psy disruptor really necesary?
Double geysers (as Falcon pointed out for me earlier) are pretty imba. They allow way to much income on gas, Zerg and Terran would take too much advantage of this early on and I'd rather just stick to my Min only. There is already enough gas on this map, that would be overkill imo. The Disruptors are not 100% necessary, but I like the idea of having a semi island there apart from the two given expos. It helps break down the layout and offers a few interesting possibilities.
Oh yeah, and I'm just reminding you (I took a look in game) the mains are rather huge... But I like the idea of that, T can enjoy a niice spacious base for longer games. modified by Arden(WoF)
Very classy work! However, what is the point of the bridges leading to the areas NE of the E main and NW of the W main? Remember my comment to you on the "Romanov Standoff1.3" thread? What if you include a second exit on the back of the main blocked by minerals or a neutral?
I intended to use them as a drop zone. It's a stylish way to implement a drop-able area ;). I also did leave the option to extend the mains to the top piece (You can see how easy it would be to put ramps there) I'm just not sure if its wise to add such a feature. It would drastically change the gameplay, and I kind of want this map to play with a simple flow. I think that would complicate things... pathing along with others.
Well, double geyser is imba to ME...
But they 2 gas'd on the certain expos in Longinus. Even though they're 2500 each, when I nab that expo, it's a huge eco boost ^^;
But I suppose if you implement it in a certain way, (which would work out here imo) it wouldn't be too bad.
Up to Arden, who seems against it the idea ^^;
And I like the drop-zones. They're much sexier than the other Romanov <3
hi Arden(WoF) i really like this map, can i upload it to a kind of starcraft comunity my friend is running? we have a map list and want some good maps.
(don't worry, it will say "author: Arden(WoF)" hehehe)
Uh... sure, go for it. I am not opposed =). If you get any decent replays, you should upload them here.
At that top expansion with 12 minerals - two of those blocks are worth 1000 and two more are worth 500.
great job on this
Dude, I...
I'm in school, and like, we're not even supposed to be on the computers in this lab right now, and like, I came here, and saw this, and looked at the picture, and was like "?!??!?! YES!!" and the whole class looked at me >_>;
Anyway...Now that I can type this..
Vastly improved would be an understatement. I've been seeing people actually upload replays on Romanov Standoff 1.3, and I was looking at it again like it's not that bad a map. I love how you actually went through with the "pimping".
It seems that this was done for more competitive play. With the nat backdoor /ridge for 2nd nat..
I like, I like, I like, I wanna test. I think that the top might actually be used more in this one. And I like the powerful "island-within-an-island" expo on top...but isn't 12 mineral fields T and P heavy? Then again, since it's 500 and 1000 for two...
We'll see in the testing, right? ^^ (As if people actually test maps.)
Anyway...It looks like it will play better, but then again, you never know until it happens.
Top expos look vulnerable. Adds to the expo competition. Anyway, I gotta for now.
<3 this already.
The design is great, and the map is not just a standard main-nat-nat-center map because of that path at the bottom. This should play well.
why don't you change the 12 minonly to a double gayser? won't it take more action to the norht thing?
if a player colonize an expo in the island, it will break the main-nat-minonly structure.
are those psy disruptor really necesary?
Oh yeah, and I'm just reminding you (I took a look in game) the mains are rather huge... But I like the idea of that, T can enjoy a niice spacious base for longer games.
modified by Arden(WoF)
But they 2 gas'd on the certain expos in Longinus. Even though they're 2500 each, when I nab that expo, it's a huge eco boost ^^;
But I suppose if you implement it in a certain way, (which would work out here imo) it wouldn't be too bad.
Up to Arden, who seems against it the idea ^^;
And I like the drop-zones. They're much sexier than the other Romanov <3
(don't worry, it will say "author: Arden(WoF)" hehehe)