(4)Forgotten Dominion1.0
Map ID: #2225

Author: Abyssal
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 05, 24 10:58

Comments (8)
Funky and interesting map design; I like that.

The natural's ramp and weird mineral formation seem to make it hard for a Z player to fast expand safely though.
Simple yet well executed design. I like it. I dont like the tile blends for your wide inverted ramps and the blend of the invert and default wide ramps. Maybe find better tiles? or remove the actual merge and create a small valley there? I think it could add to strategic value. Mains mite be a bit small too, but i cant really tell.

overall - nice map
I sense serious problems in horizontal pvt.

just a suggestion, see what the others think about that before you change anything.
modified by Nightmarjoo
Nasty.... The ramp blend looks bad mainly due to image resizing... thanks for complements tho
hm.. looks weird, feels weird during playing.
no way you can wall in the reverse ramps. the nat's gas is tankable from the middle island exp.
(Alter.Ego) Look at lt?? Tankable expo???
on LT, it is not as easy as here. on lt you can still counterdrop - but on this map, terran reinforcements are SO fast there, you hardly can do much. also, you can quickly build turrets here to save the whole island.

did you ever play PvT @LT 12vs3? you cant expand to your natural properly because you know terran drops from his main are so easy and deadly to your nat...even if you put some units on the cliff.