How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(7)Seven Sins
Map ID: #2612
Author: Testbug
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 07, 19 01:19
Comments (133)
this is the 1st seven players map in the database!!!!!
thats fuckin awesome
can I be yellow
lol it's the observer :)
i used "7 players with observer triggers" option
Protoss 4ever told me to place the 8th start location there ^^ modified by Testbug
Looks fine. Some naturals look a bit more risky then the others. I wouldn't like to be Purple @3 with an oponent @4 Orange. Paranoia to get backdoored even with a double XelnagaTemple-block.
Putting 7 starts in an asymetrical 128x2 map is a creative endeavor.
This map is very good for hidden expo strategies. modified by Schavuit
That actually looks really cool.
well. look is good. but that's it. dont let yourself blind by the awesome deco, folks -.-
may still be a map fun to play, considering it is 7plyr
I suggest to gather 7 players in op teamBWMN at the same time and play some FFA's on this! Every time it will be differnt! DAMN I LOVE THIS MAP! You don't even have to think for balance, just to survive!
Testgu, i hope you removed the yellow player for melee version! xP
Btw, it's the most balanced map i've ever seen.
flo what are you talking about :( i haven't donde decoration yet.
no need of balance. no matter wich positional imbalances the map has, what will hapen if you get 2v1d?
purple can be walled in with 1 supply+barrax ^^
blue can wallin with 2 suppy, and close both, ramp and backdoor :)
Testbgu, you forgot the mineral formation for yellow!
hmm.. Yea, pretty nice map, but the bottom right player has 6 mins lol
I agree with what you said about balance, but i dont think u meant to do that :P
holy crap :O
There once was a 7 player map; "waterloo", but it was never finished, didn't even have half of the map laid out. So it got deleted through the TRASH competition.
Yep, SummerSky creation, but he is no more active here...
yeah this is awesome. my favorite part is that the center isn't at the center. fun >> balance
What about making a 7P or 8P map with pro map concepts? :D
the white guy looks fucked... lets give him 3 gas in the main? XD
is there alittle undying lands in there? :P
Not really, there is an other entrance. :P
pathing and consistency issues ._.
I hope it's not you who rated this map 0. -_-
okay, white have 7 mineral fields now.
it looks smaller, but it can build gateways in the nat.
i think i'll reduce the ruins near the nostalgia bridges, so Tan and Orange can build gates in the center (like in lost temple)
purple can hatch the minonly and sunkens in the highground minonly will protect the multy gass.
i don't know how the undying lands will work in this map... looks like only fucks up the path...
teal and purple have a lot of building space in the highg jungle :)
blue can build gates in the HH minonly.
i don't really think it is very very possitional imbalanced.
let's try some games on it :D
Nightmarjoo told me to name this map (7)poop
Orange terran vs purple anything. Do something about that.
purple can't hit orange natural because of the doodads.
purple is too small. the solution i have found is...
remove the purple playr and it'll be a 6 players map.
spinesheath do you have another solutoon?
i can remove the backdoor
it'll solve the path issue
I hadn't rated the map 0 before, but p4ever whined about rating so I'm 0 rating it now.
this map is really cool, i think it would be a fun 7 FFA RW^^
the only real problem i see is that orange can siege directly into purple's base. he has to take out the neutral building, but its still just too easy.
get the deco done. don't get me wrong i think it looks awesome now, but you said before that you had more to do on it, and i am pumped to see what more you can add to this.
i want to be teal.
Deco 10/10
Balance 0/10 :D modified by ProTosS4EveR
this map is AWESOME! The terrain is sweet!
[x] member of the "voting against double-entry of the same mapname"-crew
hmmm I played the map and.. Is it just me or purp needs more room? :O
I really had trouble playing toss at purp :/
I see one problem, at the gas by blues ramp, when i tried to make a toss gas thing on it, it said couldnt reach the building site so i couldnt get gas from there
lol, what?? let me see, maybe the geyser is in a unbuildable place.
okay, some more build room for purple :(
"The map has been rated 31 times and got a total of 74 points"????
what happened hwre? 31 votes in only one night, and rating is 2.4 :(
I don't like those dumbasses, wich vote 0 for a map.
(Especially those who vote 0, cuz someone is crying about rating :) )
Vote 3x 10 now ^^
lol testbug, dont look at the rating u got, u know ur map is awesome, thats all that counts ;)
Hmm, played it again and tan's slot (6 o clock)said he had problems with his expo's gas too
modified by FateD modified by FateD
it's hard to test a 7 players map, this is my first no-3players map.
thanks for helping :)
all this bugs... fixed!
lol I understand, i just want this map to be at its best 2 bc i know im gonna use it alot ^_^
btw, while playing it, idk but i was thinking u should put an expo in middle where theres the dot of water, idk i think that could be interesting if u made that expo with gas and all, bc then it would b a reachable expo for ALOT of ppl, and teal would want it even more than any1 bc it secures his cliff expo too from tanks...
what u think? modified by FateD
i ussualy leave the center for big battles (unless i have too many room like jungle story lol) whats wrong with the current expo layout?
oh you are going to use this map a lot??? if you can get some 7players FFA please upload the replays! no matter if more than 4 players don't know how to play starcraft ;)
I'd love to be a Zerg at purple.
lol testbugs, the last few games i played werent worth putting here, but sure, ill put the next ones here :P
testbugsss?? :(
oh i found a bug!!! click the add raiting button 100 times and your vote will count as 100 times :O
lol sry testbugzzz!!
but hmm yea, about the expo layer, Idk but like imagine your zerg at 6 and a FEing toss is at 7.. Theres no way really to beat him at expoing bc he has 2 gas/min expo for himself (bc of the corner 1) and on top of that, each game i played, 7th slot took the 2 nearby mins only TOO.. so.. It pretty much screwed tan, which had one expo..
So what I say you should do (I know this is alot to ask but.. yeah.. I really want it flawless ;) lol) is like moving 7th to corner, put some sort of expo between tan and 8th`s main around 7 (maybe going from tan`s nat to him and add that expo in middle with gas where theres the water, bc anyway, the fighting place was kinda too big I think, bc no1 wanted to go middle and get gang raped anyway :P
So yea.. I think with that, this map could be the best FFA map EVER!!!
<3 testbugZZZ for making this :D lol
Come on!!!
I didn't read all those comments i just want to gather all at a night hour and play that map! Several games 7 players all games FFA! IT WOULD BE FUCKING GREAT!
TestbugZzzZZzz FTW!
white have ti fight for the 8 o'clock minonly with red, and ta can attack the other at the bridge.
i think all the minonlies are okay, only the purple minonly that protects the widr ramp.
vs a FE protoss zerg can 3hatch a minonly in every single start location.
the only racial imbalance is that protoss doesn't need a fogre at tan start location, he can just protect the ramps with zealots and take the backdoor. that's why i made backdoor too vulnerable to mutalisks.
this map is not imbalanced at all, even in a 1v1, it's supose to be stable. tan can crazy expo to minonly, orange nat and orange main, only tan can do this.
but if your oponent is orange... :P
i don't know about short distances.
please, multi-vote 10 for my map :(
Hey guys, i say whoever wants in a couple ffas come channel slg this saturday at.. lets say 8PM easttime (east server)
Ok guys?
btw post here if u want in that night`s mass FFa!
Btw TestbugZZzzZzZzzz, what i meant is like, the player in bottom left has 2 gas expos for 100% sure while no1 else can have that, and on top of it, the 2 mins only are easily defendable by that same player so... Maybe putting buildings to block the cliffed min only from being reached by bottom? as for the other 1, idk I just think that if tan takes it, hes obviously gonna be the bottom left`s player primary target... which is never good in ffas :P modified by FateD
we have BWMN time! at top left, you can see the bwmn time :)
testbgu > testbugzzz
well, that means i meant like 14H (or 2 pm) with bwmn time modified by FateD
oh ya and testbug, if you need some replays uploaded so people dont rate you badly because they think it is not balanced enough, i would be glad to help you test
you map now is 6,2 :P
teal might look good at first glance, but look at the BUILDING SPACE. ROFL. I love this map, perfect name. Each start pos has a specific weakness. we gotta get some FFA's on this bwmn styleee
lol 520 votes :S
OMG!!! Inept loves a Testbug map!!!!!!
i'm crying inside, maybe we can have a 6 vs Inept game on it :D
or could you please get some reps on it? ^^
lol ppl r offline on east, cant help ya..
Let's make a forum threat and there we will set the players, the time, the server, the channel... Fans are welcome :P
i want Inept and LGI in the rep!!!!!!
im not wanted :(
**goes to the corner n cries**
evil testbugzzz!!
oh i did nt say FateD?? sorrieeeeee
change name...
ROFL! flothefreak was first :)
Can i suggest something?
1v1 WCG map
Now i suggest an idea, which will come true in PsiStorm (the sc: bw BG site, where the league is) to have a "PsiStorm Fun Night" every Saturday night and we will have: FFA mode, Team Melee Mode, UMS night, MOD night, etc, etc, etc...
For this first time we will play FFA on this map. I am sure a lot of people will come, i will also post you when and where we will gather if you like to come also, but i have a suggestion for TestbugZZZZzzzzz.
Can you make the UMS mode with triggers, when someone is eliminated to become an obz. Because 7 people FFA, if someone dies fast, then i am sure we will lose him for the next game...
at what time n what server would it be played?
i wanna play!
i don't know how to tho that...
maybe i can create one "neutral" kakaru(invincible) for each player (in the "set 50 ore to current player" trigger)
when a player lose all his buildings, it'll turn on the vision of all the 8 players instead of "defeat".
And kill ONE kakaru from player "neutral"
finally, when "neutral" commands at most 0 kakarus.. game will end!
to prevent mind control usage (and failure of my algoithms) i can create one neutral kakaru and kill a kakaru owned by current player when current player commands at least 1 kakaru ;)
preserve trigger modified by Testbug
in english plz?
What about removing the kakaru? :D
But do you think a protoss player will make a DA just to mind control a kakaru? ...
lol imba kakakura
Dude, your map is way too imba now, with the kakakura :(
what if a toss goes for a DA build n MCs the kakakura n rape with it? hmm?
youd be best putting muta heroes all over the place plz :D
**loves using DA**
Toss overpowered with kakakura !!!! modified by FateD
In SC2 Kakakura's are detectors. BEWARE OF THE KAKAKURA. They are watching you.
"But do you think a protoss player will make a DA just to mind control a kakaru? ..."
i already think that:
Testbug:"to prevent mind control usage (and failure of my algoithms) i can create one neutral kakaru and kill a kakaru owned by current player when current player commands at least 1 kakaru ;)
preserve trigger"
Your mind is weird! xD
testbugzzz, its still rigged, bc depending on where the kakaru flies to, he will make flee the worker n slow mining for 1 player !!!! ahve u though of that?
im telling u, muta heroes :P lol
kakaru will a ppear in a cave in the center so they don't appear in the iddle of oponent base.
i can create a location in a cave or the protoss temple in the center
okay i got it!
game will end when there is only 1 kakaru left (each kakaru dies per eliminated player)
if one of the last 2 players mind control the last kakaru, game will end...
so i'll set a switch 2 or 3 seconds afterneutral player commands exactly at most 1 kakaru.
then the other trigger that kills the player's kakaru and crates the neutral kakaru will activate before the 3 seconds.
switch turn off when neutral player have more than 1 kakaru with "preserve trigger"
game will end only if neutral player commands 1 kakaru and switch is turned on (if 3 seconds past and neutral plsayer doesn't have more than 1 kakaru, it means that mind control was not used)
and when a player dies, i'll give all his buildings and units to neutral player :)
or just make the kakarus invincible. then u cant MC them.
can't you mindcontrol invincibles???
read, i already sayd they were going to be invincible:
"maybe i can create one "neutral" kakaru(invincible) for each player (in the "set 50 ore to current player" trigger)"
but i did not knew you cannot mindcontrol invincibles :O
fun games. you really need to know the map to properly play :D
testbgu, "no UMS stuff plz :<" (find who told that =D ) modified by ProTosS4EveR
lol btw, bfore crackling says it...
monty clone!
no originality.. u just took monty :(
nah, more like lt clone
seven sins clone...
hmm btw testbguzzz ? what u think about my expo idea tho? i still didnt get ur feedback on it :O
what is a kakaura?
The flying animal i think xD
My sreach on the my creaded the map
moved the mineral fields at purple main and nat that makes workers to get confused
hey LGI, i made the usm obs version to get the vision of other players instead of being eliminated.
game will never end, but when there is only 1 last player, he's the winner and you can quit the game :) modified by Testbug
testbguzzz :( I still didnt get ur feedback on the additional expo i porposed :(
BTW on chrismas time, ill have a lil more time on my hand :O maybe ill be doing ffas at that time lol modified by FateD
Thx, Testbug!
This weekend we will play this PsiStorm Fun Night, i already write the news for , i will do it later for BWMN.
fateD i don't remember your suggestion, but i think you want an expo in the other side of te center highground expo? i don't think so
I just watched all the reps (except the tvt^^), and I think this map is really good now.
Not only is it obviously unique, I think it was fairly intelligently put together.
I notice now bits and pieces from other maps.
There are some things I wouldn't have done, some inconsistencies between the expo layouts and the pathing and the entrances, but I think it works out fairly well in the end.
And LGI's thing getting the map attention is cool :)
added a replay of ffaaaa
inept you used the old version :$
lol cannon + carrier :D
dunno, LGI hosted it (hes infectedmind)
dunno, LGI hosted it (hes infectedmind)
Damn i can't believe that PsiStorm Fun Night wasn't interesting for three sites!!!
Those flying things were pretty annoying. modified by ptar
should i remove the 6 kakarus? :(
test shows the pythin expo with a gass expo behind doesn't work as i wanted... can i emove it?
(or make the minonly with only 250 or 500 resources so it force you to use the other sooner)
What you mean it didnt work as u wanted it to?
Looks fine to me? :O
**bribes testbgu a couple cookies for the expo hes been wanting lol** modified by FateD
Fated, workers go to the minerals in back is the problem.
ahh.. maybe just put it a lil more away from the other 1? i know ceillings it off till you mined doesnt work so.. either remove or put the mineralds farther?
i can imagine purp scouting in a 1v1,finding his opponent in tael's base and just leaving... lol
you should just put purp's mins and gas expo in his main and make it bgh style, cuz his place is so sucky/crowded its rediculous
btw tael's base is a fucking fortress
Your mom is a fucking a fortress
We played this on the past two Maplantis Mod Nights and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately due to it being a mod night, using mods, the replays arent going to work right. =/
lolz joel
What if you gave purple another way out of his base (maybe across low ground) so he cant be as easily contained?
should i totally remove purple and make an Arcadia island??
But... why would it be Seven Sins with 6 players =(
testbgu, about if u made a lil hole in the cliff going to the min only in mid, n blocked it with a like 40 min patch? whatd u think about that?
something named.. hmmm Path issue.
but i find teal and purple are too close.
hmmm... maybe you could make purp's place a monty hall style? purp main being blocked from nat by a min block wall, or maybe block the ramp with mins?
Bumping this because I think it needs an update.
I've been playing a ton of FFAs on this in the last 6 months at it's pretty easy to discern which positions are best and which suck so I think it needs an update. I can just adjust a few things myself if Testbug doesn't want to.
The 3 O clock has a mineral patch that is owned by the 10 O clock. This gives the 10 O clock player vision if played in UMS or it takes away a mineral patch from the 3 O clock if it's in any other mode.
The 3, 4:30, and 5:30 positions all have a pretty hard time getting expansions while the other starting positions have it easier. I would add more mineral patches to their starting locations to compensate.
One of the mineral patches at the sort of double expansion area is unminable because it's on a cliff.
Not enough gas in the map in general. Mayybe add a 1500 gas geyser at the mineral only expansions. Or add a double gas somewhere.
We've pretty much abandoned BGH in favour of this map for FFAs back in sc2gg. Just being picky because it's used so regularly.
LOL 1:30 minutes of FFA
I got more if you want =D. You wouldn't imagine how many FFAs we played on this.
Hmm.. The First 7 players' map?
So I assume I can edit this myself.
Uh post your own version in a new thread I guess, Testbug tends to be sensitive about editing his maps for some reason.
Testbug (or other if he doesn't see), do you mind if I remake this for SC2?
All bases are pretty cool except purples witch sucks so bad...
Purples base sucks, but except that its an amazing map. I've played a couple of FFAs on iccup on this map and its soooooo fun :)
A remake would be hard for SC2 but i guess its worth trying :p
Purple's bad if there's a half decent player top right. Or you could always rush. That always works.
i used "7 players with observer triggers" option
Protoss 4ever told me to place the 8th start location there ^^
modified by Testbug
Putting 7 starts in an asymetrical 128x2 map is a creative endeavor.
This map is very good for hidden expo strategies.
modified by Schavuit
may still be a map fun to play, considering it is 7plyr
Btw, it's the most balanced map i've ever seen.
no need of balance. no matter wich positional imbalances the map has, what will hapen if you get 2v1d?
purple can be walled in with 1 supply+barrax ^^
blue can wallin with 2 suppy, and close both, ramp and backdoor :)
I agree with what you said about balance, but i dont think u meant to do that :P
it looks smaller, but it can build gateways in the nat.
i think i'll reduce the ruins near the nostalgia bridges, so Tan and Orange can build gates in the center (like in lost temple)
purple can hatch the minonly and sunkens in the highground minonly will protect the multy gass.
i don't know how the undying lands will work in this map... looks like only fucks up the path...
teal and purple have a lot of building space in the highg jungle :)
blue can build gates in the HH minonly.
i don't really think it is very very possitional imbalanced.
let's try some games on it :D
Nightmarjoo told me to name this map (7)poop
purple is too small. the solution i have found is...
remove the purple playr and it'll be a 6 players map.
spinesheath do you have another solutoon?
it'll solve the path issue
get the deco done. don't get me wrong i think it looks awesome now, but you said before that you had more to do on it, and i am pumped to see what more you can add to this.
i want to be teal.
Balance 0/10 :D
modified by ProTosS4EveR
I really had trouble playing toss at purp :/
okay, some more build room for purple :(
"The map has been rated 31 times and got a total of 74 points"????
what happened hwre? 31 votes in only one night, and rating is 2.4 :(
(Especially those who vote 0, cuz someone is crying about rating :) )
Vote 3x 10 now ^^
modified by FateD
modified by FateD
it's hard to test a 7 players map, this is my first no-3players map.
thanks for helping :)
all this bugs... fixed!
btw, while playing it, idk but i was thinking u should put an expo in middle where theres the dot of water, idk i think that could be interesting if u made that expo with gas and all, bc then it would b a reachable expo for ALOT of ppl, and teal would want it even more than any1 bc it secures his cliff expo too from tanks...
what u think?
modified by FateD
oh you are going to use this map a lot??? if you can get some 7players FFA please upload the replays! no matter if more than 4 players don't know how to play starcraft ;)
oh i found a bug!!! click the add raiting button 100 times and your vote will count as 100 times :O
but hmm yea, about the expo layer, Idk but like imagine your zerg at 6 and a FEing toss is at 7.. Theres no way really to beat him at expoing bc he has 2 gas/min expo for himself (bc of the corner 1) and on top of that, each game i played, 7th slot took the 2 nearby mins only TOO.. so.. It pretty much screwed tan, which had one expo..
So what I say you should do (I know this is alot to ask but.. yeah.. I really want it flawless ;) lol) is like moving 7th to corner, put some sort of expo between tan and 8th`s main around 7 (maybe going from tan`s nat to him and add that expo in middle with gas where theres the water, bc anyway, the fighting place was kinda too big I think, bc no1 wanted to go middle and get gang raped anyway :P
So yea.. I think with that, this map could be the best FFA map EVER!!!
<3 testbugZZZ for making this :D lol
I didn't read all those comments i just want to gather all at a night hour and play that map! Several games 7 players all games FFA! IT WOULD BE FUCKING GREAT!
TestbugZzzZZzz FTW!
i think all the minonlies are okay, only the purple minonly that protects the widr ramp.
vs a FE protoss zerg can 3hatch a minonly in every single start location.
the only racial imbalance is that protoss doesn't need a fogre at tan start location, he can just protect the ramps with zealots and take the backdoor. that's why i made backdoor too vulnerable to mutalisks.
this map is not imbalanced at all, even in a 1v1, it's supose to be stable. tan can crazy expo to minonly, orange nat and orange main, only tan can do this.
but if your oponent is orange... :P
i don't know about short distances.
please, multi-vote 10 for my map :(
Ok guys?
btw post here if u want in that night`s mass FFa!
Btw TestbugZZzzZzZzzz, what i meant is like, the player in bottom left has 2 gas expos for 100% sure while no1 else can have that, and on top of it, the 2 mins only are easily defendable by that same player so... Maybe putting buildings to block the cliffed min only from being reached by bottom? as for the other 1, idk I just think that if tan takes it, hes obviously gonna be the bottom left`s player primary target... which is never good in ffas :P
modified by FateD
modified by FateD
you map now is 6,2 :P
OMG!!! Inept loves a Testbug map!!!!!!
i'm crying inside, maybe we can have a 6 vs Inept game on it :D
or could you please get some reps on it? ^^
**goes to the corner n cries**
evil testbugzzz!!
Can i suggest something?
For this first time we will play FFA on this map. I am sure a lot of people will come, i will also post you when and where we will gather if you like to come also, but i have a suggestion for TestbugZZZZzzzzz.
Can you make the UMS mode with triggers, when someone is eliminated to become an obz. Because 7 people FFA, if someone dies fast, then i am sure we will lose him for the next game...
i don't know how to tho that...
maybe i can create one "neutral" kakaru(invincible) for each player (in the "set 50 ore to current player" trigger)
when a player lose all his buildings, it'll turn on the vision of all the 8 players instead of "defeat".
And kill ONE kakaru from player "neutral"
finally, when "neutral" commands at most 0 kakarus.. game will end!
preserve trigger
modified by Testbug
But do you think a protoss player will make a DA just to mind control a kakaru? ...
what if a toss goes for a DA build n MCs the kakakura n rape with it? hmm?
youd be best putting muta heroes all over the place plz :D
**loves using DA**
Toss overpowered with kakakura !!!!
modified by FateD
"But do you think a protoss player will make a DA just to mind control a kakaru? ..."
i already think that:
Testbug:"to prevent mind control usage (and failure of my algoithms) i can create one neutral kakaru and kill a kakaru owned by current player when current player commands at least 1 kakaru ;)
preserve trigger"
im telling u, muta heroes :P lol
i can create a location in a cave or the protoss temple in the center
game will end when there is only 1 kakaru left (each kakaru dies per eliminated player)
if one of the last 2 players mind control the last kakaru, game will end...
so i'll set a switch 2 or 3 seconds afterneutral player commands exactly at most 1 kakaru.
then the other trigger that kills the player's kakaru and crates the neutral kakaru will activate before the 3 seconds.
switch turn off when neutral player have more than 1 kakaru with "preserve trigger"
game will end only if neutral player commands 1 kakaru and switch is turned on (if 3 seconds past and neutral plsayer doesn't have more than 1 kakaru, it means that mind control was not used)
and when a player dies, i'll give all his buildings and units to neutral player :)
read, i already sayd they were going to be invincible:
"maybe i can create one "neutral" kakaru(invincible) for each player (in the "set 50 ore to current player" trigger)"
but i did not knew you cannot mindcontrol invincibles :O
modified by ProTosS4EveR
monty clone!
no originality.. u just took monty :(
hey LGI, i made the usm obs version to get the vision of other players instead of being eliminated.
game will never end, but when there is only 1 last player, he's the winner and you can quit the game :)
modified by Testbug
BTW on chrismas time, ill have a lil more time on my hand :O maybe ill be doing ffas at that time lol
modified by FateD
This weekend we will play this PsiStorm Fun Night, i already write the news for , i will do it later for BWMN.
Not only is it obviously unique, I think it was fairly intelligently put together.
I notice now bits and pieces from other maps.
There are some things I wouldn't have done, some inconsistencies between the expo layouts and the pathing and the entrances, but I think it works out fairly well in the end.
And LGI's thing getting the map attention is cool :)
lol cannon + carrier :D
modified by ptar
(or make the minonly with only 250 or 500 resources so it force you to use the other sooner)
Looks fine to me? :O
**bribes testbgu a couple cookies for the expo hes been wanting lol**
modified by FateD
but i find teal and purple are too close.
I've been playing a ton of FFAs on this in the last 6 months at it's pretty easy to discern which positions are best and which suck so I think it needs an update. I can just adjust a few things myself if Testbug doesn't want to.
The 3 O clock has a mineral patch that is owned by the 10 O clock. This gives the 10 O clock player vision if played in UMS or it takes away a mineral patch from the 3 O clock if it's in any other mode.
The 3, 4:30, and 5:30 positions all have a pretty hard time getting expansions while the other starting positions have it easier. I would add more mineral patches to their starting locations to compensate.
One of the mineral patches at the sort of double expansion area is unminable because it's on a cliff.
Not enough gas in the map in general. Mayybe add a 1500 gas geyser at the mineral only expansions. Or add a double gas somewhere.
We've pretty much abandoned BGH in favour of this map for FFAs back in sc2gg. Just being picky because it's used so regularly.
A remake would be hard for SC2 but i guess its worth trying :p