Map ID: #773

Author: Starparty & trcc
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 11 08:04

Comments (31)
Here is the result of mine and trcc's co-oping. The concept is a backdoor into the main base with a neutral building block. The block has 2000 hp so if you wanan rush into main you gotta get to it early.
LT Clone.

Just kidding. Cool map, good job with the bridges and decorating. The "concept" doesnt seem very influencial. A early rush will take a while to kill it, and by that time the enemy will be spotted. And once the expo is taken, the backdoor becomes obsolete.
it was 800 hp first but that was almost killed by the scout only whenthe zerg ahd 6pool, so we decided this was for the best. 2000 hp dies very fast to a normal force you know :P
I really don't know what to think about the map but it looks interesting.

I hope Listoric will play a round against me on this map^^
2000 is really a lot. Too much IMO. But you probably had your reason ;)
we wanted 1500 first, but 2000 was the building with the right size to fit in the holes except th 800 one, and 800 was way too little.. i think youll find that 2000 dies faster than you thing with a reasonable army. if it diesd to easy zerg would autodie everygame they tried to fast expand...

Looks good. Now i'd say it looks like Star Gates for 4. Which isn't any bad. I'm still not a friend of Neutral buildings. Well... it's definetely interesting with this backdoor there, but the map would also be good if the building wasn't there at all. Too small for a serious attack. Noone would squeeze through. But it would be dangerous at startup, especially against vultures in my eyes.

Still, thought about removing it totally? Let's discuss that ^^
well its a new strategical element, and witout it its a more basic map simply.. we thought about this for a while and ended up here. personally i think we created a good blend and that the map actually wouldnt be betetr without the block..
one thing you might want to think about is how the paths from place to place all intersect at one point, and there isnt any way around that.

on most maps, there are ways that you can avoid the middle, or multiple "paths" that you can take that branch out at certain points of the map. take lost temple for example. from the outside of your nat corridor, you have 3 options: theres two paths in between the walls and a terrain obstacle, and theres the path through the middle.

on this map, i only really feel two paths: horizontal and vertical (the paths from the two opposite vertical positions converge into one before branching again).

i dont know how much of a balance issue this causes (or maybe your map fixes a balance issue) but that was the biggest thing i noticed about the map.

also it looks really open.
Looks like more experimental version of Sattarchasm. Good imo. Need to think a bit, so complicated.
Hmm, seems to be easy 3 nat for any race, I see nice macro wars here ^^
Yes, for me also looks more like Sattarchasm. In concept is almost the same, except the backdoor :). I like it ofcourse. Looks well balanced. While i am watching the picture i have the feel that Starparty was working more then trcc on this map. It's just his style of mapping. Well good job both.

About the backdoor i think it's good as it is. Ofcourse it will be best if i will the backdoor in game. And this will be soon :)
Trcc made the entire map. I balanced the expos :P

However i made a draft which trcc worked by..
I really like it, but i'm missing something... if i just knew what?!
islands maybe? the map is very straight in structure. no offense, just fact
Well this is a main/expo backdoor entrance concept that takes a LOT of space in the map, so we could not fit anything else, Listoric, i think the thing you miss is some games on it to prove that is rocks :)
... + 1 clone
Beautiful map ... im lovin it
Wow, when i upload the replay i tought there is a comment, but i've put it in the replay description. So "There is a problem with pathfinding. See replay."
I will watch it tomorrow. :)

We are thinking of making several changes to the current version.

(widen the middle)

and maybe remove the neutral buildings.

I will update (or) Starparty soon
If you make changes why it's in the MotW competition?
we didnt add it? :/
uploaded the update
The distance between bottom expansion and ramp is bigger than on the other positions. THink as it is now, you can fast expand with zreg on every position, with some sunkens, but have to 3 hatch on bottom.

Fix or positional imbalance? (fix would be better ;)
fizxed rapms
I really hate blizzard for creating only 2 ramps... looks good.
Somehow i feel that blue and purple will have more advantage then the others... It's in the mineral placement, somehow it's more protected and more to their part of the map... I think you see what i mean.
This was one of the first maps i ever saw here at bwmn. I was lucky to have been lurking then, when SP and such were still here. I think this map has molded me into the mapper i am now :D
ugh I don't really like this one at all =/