(4)Flight of Icarus
Map ID: #2703

Author: Nureru
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 01, 05 12:53

Comments (17)
New four player map. Wound up more Python like than I wanted, but eh. Big mineral cluster expos have 300 minerals each. I was lazy on decoration, I'll admit. Map is currently untested.

Advice and whatnot would be appreciated.
If 2 people are at 6 and 9 the terran will win cause he can easily push through the expos.
yes, and get horribly countered by the other path :o

i still think that you should place AT LEAST one xelnaga instead of the generator

otherwise kinda good map, just try to remove all the straight lines all over the map and try to decorate the middle more
the raised jungle has to be overworked. at red and blue u can drop the nat on the raised jungle, but not at teal and purp.
Also don't let the players build buildings in the corners on the raised jungle;)
yes, because building sth on an island in a fucking corner is so imbalanced!
yeah, some newb doesn't want to get killed and makes pylons there and u search your ass off, just imageing u got on more minerals and he has his only pylon there lol :(
so, dont play vs some newbs plz, kk thx
I don't do, but normal LT players are newbies doing so^_^;

uh, u can tank those islands with the lower ground on them?! oo
Jungle is so overused as a tileset... I guess it has the most deco options and tile variety.
u can build turrets there before he do, just as he drop 2 dragoons there before, old lt classic strats^^

HypersonicEspo u think 9 vs 3 terran win. if he put so much to push from inside tunnel protoss will take rest of map

minerals with 300 wont ever get mined away, they just fuck up unit move Ai (when click move on other side they will fcuk around at the mineral)
its better having a xel naga temple and it would look better too.

blue + purple nats got bad gas placement. move the mineral to switch side with gas.

others i like the map but i think u should do something special with the middle to make it less the same of all other 4p jungle maps :S
modified by uC.MorroW
Couple changes. Still don't know what to do with the middle to make it more interesting. I'll ponder that.
Nureru, very interesting map, I like it. Hey, your neutral buildings do not show when you try to play it, make sure player # is "12" (neutral) when you place them. I think there is too much gas, delete the gas expo across from the Xel-naga temple. Let me think about it and I will make more comments later.
I didn't have any problems with the neutral buildings showing. Are you playing it in UMS?
Decided to change the ramps to be full sized with a mineral block set to 24 on it. There were a few pathing issues with units that could fit down the ramp getting down, so hopefully this will fix it. You can always mine out the mineral block and get bigger units down as well. Hopefully this will work better.
No, I try to play it in melee mode against the comp and your neutrals do not show. Does anybody else have this problem?
Neutral buildings don't show up in melee. You have to be in UMS for them to show up. I don't lock my maps or anything, so if you want to play against computers you can go ahead and put in some computer players.
Then place the neutrals correctly lol. There's an article on this page under "articles" on the right side on placing neutrals -.-

Hm I'd say the quality of the picture atm is equal to the equality of this map's pathing and expo layout. Atleast it's unique though I spose =/

Just looks really hard/tedious to play I think.