(4)Final Noshoj
Map ID: #2766

Author: PsychoTemplar
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2010, 08, 04 01:15

Comments (15)
Designed for 2v2 play, obviously.

Looks pretty crappy in the JPEG, pretty good in game. Not that any of you will bother to check.

That lava is walkable, and the mains have 3 250 mineral patches blocking minerals behind them.

You can see over the rocks and stuff.
In the 2v2, 1 player of each team will not have his nat because even a marine can shoot probes.

Middle has a good size for battles because i don't think there will be enough time to make big armies.
"In the 2v2, 1 player of each team will not have his nat because even a marine can shoot probes."

Exactly? What'd you think my intention was o.o

Watch some pro 2v2 VODs, it's almost always one base, and if it isn't, only one ally is getting the expo, and the other is trying to protect him.
LoL I like it. ^_^
"That lava is walkable"

Hello first grade :D
mind if i try something with this concept a lil? :D
interesting design. I would try something witjh this concept as well.

As for this map, it feels way too much like a 4;4 micro clutter map or some shit :P
"mind if i try something with this concept a lil? :D"
Feel free.

"As for this map, it feels way too much like a 4;4 micro clutter map or some shit :P"
Once you've mined out those little 250 mineral blocks, there's only 10 patches (well 'only' meaning that's not exactly uncommon in pro 1v1 maps). I'm not very pleased with the outcome of this map, but I don't think it's anything like a fastest maps TBH :P And I think maps that look kinda bad, often play really well, so maybe when my 2v2 competition is over, if my map has any popularity, we'll have a 2v2 competition and I can throw it in the map pool.
You'd be surprised how many people don't know that ;P 50 comments on TL on an old Ash map I made telling me my map was way too tight, when they thought the lava was unbuildable. I couldn't understand what the hell they were talking about for the longest time.
You can retire now, Nightmarjoo...

You know, when a coach of a football team, make the team loss, because he is chobo, he retires.

Now you prove that you are the best theory-crafter-mapper in BWMN for sure, so you can retire now.

Have a great life, don't ever come back, gg.

Or just stfu, and don't you dare trying to prove "i-know-everything", when you are weak on theory crafting. And this is from the start in this site, not just from your chobo line.
modified by LGI
Holly thats a rough comment
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
lol what, is that a recent comment?

If it's old, to clarify, LGI was mad at me because I insisted his concept maps were annoying to actually play on, regardless of how "well-made" they seemed. Let it be known I always respected LGI as a senior mapper, he taught me mapping basics when I just started making maps. And he had some pretty neat maps too, just his newer ones were kind of silly imo.
okay, and now LGI is going to ask PsychoTemplar to retire because he wrote that lava is buildabe.

of course Nightmarjo knew that magma was unwalkable like water and lava unbuildable like ruins. and of cvourse Psycho templar wanted to say "walkable" instead of "buildable :S

we have played lots of ash maps!
but we still love you LGI :)