(2)Zero Sight
Map ID: #2822

Author: Dumpling
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 15 00:13

Comments (4)
AHHHh, the pic. how do i take the map down.
modified by Dumpling
rofl. fits to the mapname^^
OK, I uploaded the pic for you but your swarms and dwebs do not work (units in them do not behave like they should). Make sure when you place them to set "player" on "12 neutral" and go:

sprites>unit sprites>neutral> and then either Protoss>disruption web or zerg>dark swarm

In this map toss and zerg (that have the stronger melee units) will prevail over terran (that has the weakest), it will take terran the longest time to get his gas expo if he gets it at all.

Read my article Spells on Maps-2 in the article section regarding the placement and use of spells.

Thanks Lancet. U are here alot.