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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3129
Author: Excalibur
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 07, 26 00:08
Comments (21)
Concept upload.
This is an idea i was trying to make work but couldnt really, my execution is fucking terrible. Was wondering if anyone wanted to work with it.
Capn Awesom
Why is red's gas in the 12 pos and all others at 9,
Otherwise it seems like a pretty cool map, but i think it could use some expos in other parts of the map besides the edges
Left/Top gases are the most balanced if you have read the gas issue, and i honestly wasnt paying attention. This was a concept upload.
rly nice but put some decoration to make it better ;)
What about concept upload do people not get? I cannot execute this properly.
btw i like the map and the idea but ... Anyway i am proubably the biggest noob in this site but i think you can make a better middle to look very nice :]
use the MAP CONCEPT FORUM THREAD for things like this :P
I Made my version of the middle it isn't something rly good but ... i am only a noob for god saik ;) modified by LasTCursE
I like your decoration, but id still like to see one of our BWMN veterans do a remake of this concept. And sorry Cracky, i forgot about the thread. @_@
I gonna try something with this. Though i'm, not very fast xD So you have to wait :P
Just dont shrink it to a (2) 96x96 ptar. :P
wheres the concept?
minonly near the nat blocked my minerals? :S
vertical path issue
I dont know, i thought it was interesting. =/
I figure another ramp could be added in the middle of each high dirt path on the mid side. No big deal.
Terrible mains. Naturals are tankable and little bit mains too. Make wider high dirt and then middle is little bit smaller. It is pretty big now.
It will be hell to zerg. 3rd gas is so far away.
Blue's and purple's mains look huge. ;/
red can tank purples second lol
And mineral formations suck too.
Decided Id just finish it. v.v
vertical path issue
Its got a lot worse than pathing issues Testbug. @_@
This is an idea i was trying to make work but couldnt really, my execution is fucking terrible. Was wondering if anyone wanted to work with it.
Otherwise it seems like a pretty cool map, but i think it could use some expos in other parts of the map besides the edges
modified by LasTCursE
minonly near the nat blocked my minerals? :S
I dont know, i thought it was interesting. =/
I figure another ramp could be added in the middle of each high dirt path on the mid side. No big deal.
It will be hell to zerg. 3rd gas is so far away.
Blue's and purple's mains look huge. ;/