Map ID: #3195

Author: jeb
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2009, 06, 13 14:26

Comments (9)
- obsolete comment -
modified by jeb
If your Red, you can just hold the choke at 3 o clock and get 4 gas (your main, natural, 2 other gas expos). Same thing goes for Blue.
Looks really tight everywhere.
JungleTerrain: You are right, so I made a new version. Turned out I had to change a lot of things, so I called it "version 2".

The neutral buildings at 3 and 9 allow small units to pass through.
I really like it from just looking at it, i think you should do some games on it and try it out, and then i think while pimping it, stick to plating or dark platform, plating is nicer imo... just my opinion...
Uploaded version 2.1... -_-

Fixed two ramp tile errors, a pathing error and moved the neutral psi distruptor on both sides because zerglings were able to cross at two positions.

djdobler: I don't have any pimping ideas... do you? :)

modified by jeb
Found another bug while play-testing. Sorry for the unintentional bump, but I took the opportunity to add an observer version as well.
The last couple of replays were played on the "errornous" map that lacked the middle neutral at 3 and 9. The replays turned out quite entertaining, though, so maybe that's a better design than the intended one.
The neutrals are weird.
The main formations are bad.
Everything seems awkwardly shaped and positioned.
The min onlys it seems are only tankable from the middle, an advantage terran doesn't need and a disadvantage protoss and zerg don't need.
Try to make things less square, anybody can make the isometric brush in scmdraft larger and place things in squares, it looks bad and is awkward for the shape and size of things.
To greatly improve mobility and flanking on the map, put a large ramp at the ledge behind the min only.
There exists better inverts, see Korhal Pride.
Wasted space is wasted. And signifies poor planning most of the time.
Even pathin sucks, adding those ramps will help a lot.
Give the corner expos more room, take that room from the mains which are quite large enough.
The main cliffs are unnecessary and really only help terran in an already terran favouring map.
imo you should entirely reshape the mains, nats, the corner expos, 3/9, and put only gas expos at 3/9.
Huh, why even bother with the low platform in the middle? We have enough terran favouring chokes as is. Why not just fill it in with platform?
Nightmarjoo: I haven't been on this site for nearly a year... didn't see your post until now (and there's no date on it).

Aaaanyway... uploaded version 2.4.

- Corrected a path-finding problem
- Opened up the mains behind the mineral lines
- Moved some extractors (I know south position is race-imba, but it was necessary because of siegeing)

This version doesn't have the 3 and 9-o'clock neutral blocks.