(4)Twilight Blues
Map ID: #3292

Author: LostTampon
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2008, 10, 19 21:02

Comments (15)
Terran map.
Protoss map.
I like it.
Zerg map.
Maybe move sls away from the edges. And the nats.

Overall I like the concept, but it feels kind of messy, the execution is imo lacking a bit, but I spose that comes with inactivity.

The mains seem kind of not perfectly shaped, the thirds could be a little bigger imo, the min only feel awkward, I think the nat shape is ok but maybe its position could be better, I don't have any suggestions though. Hm yeah I think most of the map is fine, but the whole main/min-only/third feels like it could've been better done. I don't particularly like the third's cliff.
a very interesting design. I like it for the most part. Whats with those island areas adjacent to mains for?

It seems a bit tight but maybe its just in the pic.
Orc map
those island areas are probably for sniping the adjacent base
modified by illisid
Terran map.

Many similarities to othello, but tighter and the nat cliff is not reachable by ground.
main to nat distances too long, meanwhile nat to nat distances kinda short. meaning stuff like 12hatch 14nexus terran fe, will be harder.
proxi 2 gate in nat would be alittle bit imbalanced i think.

rotical imbalance, due to droppable expoes and that kind of things.

the middle is too tight for this concept. will not be balanced in late game.

i like the disruption field idea alot.

id say this map favours terran the most because of the middle design the main to nat distances, and nat to nat. also all dropppable expoes.

move start location alittle closer to the nat.
make third gas undroppable.
remove all unwalkable doodads in middle.
enlarge the middle by reducing the blocking area but keeping the paths the same (just make the bascilia thinner)

middle could be bascilia with ramps, look at wuthering h.
make the nats droppable area buildable too and put a creep colony there.
add a 1gas+2 mineral expo next to the disruption field put to the gap in the bascilia.
I like MorroW's idea about the wuthering heights like middle. To make it look more interesting you colud keep your middle, just make it high ground, and use basilica to high flag stones transition or something similar.

I would reduce the size of the sunken ground areas next to the mains and move the minonlys a bit into that direction.
woah thx for comments...
tried now a different approach, map is still not finished

the expos have 1000mins/2500gas each
modified by LostTampon
What about zerg's 3rd gas?
teal and red needs to be closer nat ------.-

zergs 3rd gas is only in imaginary land at this map
zerg eggs as in texcoco?
Map is missing an expo?

Don't like the mains at SW/NE and the general starting location position.

Maybe use psi disruptors instead of xel nagas?
Why block the thirds with neutrals?

SW/NE ovy spots?