Map ID: #3360

Author: Dem0nS1ayer
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 11, 30 15:10

Comments (13)
Made this map yesterday. Center expo has 10 minerals patches with 1000 minerals each (is that too much?). The small ramps leading into the corner expos can only fit small units like Ghosts and SCVs, so you would have to destroy the Protoss Temples that are underneath the doodad sprites to let bigger units get through.

-I think you should move gas to natural. It will help zerg a lot.

-Looks like expos are really easy defend. Think about terran. It is pretty easy 3rd gas.

-Middle doesn't have any purpose. Nobody want go there. There is only minerals and it is too hard to defend. Maybe add 2 gas there and some minerals?

-It is too hard to get natural. Z>P if toss fe. Cliff is so near so hydras can just shoot cannons on the cliff. Terran destroy zerg's and protoss' fe easy too.

- 2 more expos will be good too. Maybe in middle? Look gmcs.

- Tanks have enough range to shoot backdoor.
modified by SiaBBo
I do have gasses at nats... D:
Capn Awesom
He means switch the gas from the backdoor expo to the front nat
is this really 128x128? looks like a 128x96 to me?
Oh shit! It is 128*96. Sorry!!!

Updated map: Took out high temple from mid, added high ruins, made it obs, and added more doodads so that T can't tank the min-only.

Is there any way to delete the non-obs version? D:
modified by Dem0nS1ayer
couldent you just overwrite the non obs version with the obs version if you really wanted to get rid of the non obs
Why you don't want melee version?

Do those what I said, then this is much better.
I didn't save the updated version as melee. I only saved it as obs, so the melee version is old. D:
couldent you just restore the triggers to normal and delete the obs slots and then itd be back to being a normal one you could upload with the terrain changes still valid
Here's the final version of my map. I added side expos on the high ground and brought the min-only closer to ramp. I put unbuildable terrain behind the minerals so that the play can't build like 15 turrets.
I like the look of it but i would have to agree with SiaBBo on moving the gas to the min only at the entrance thing
Yeah, do that. Remember the game I played yesterday? Move the ramp further back from the nat