(2)Dusty River2.0
Map ID: #337

Author: ScoutWBF
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 01, 06 01:52

Comments (11)
I made some comments in the GMCS, maybe you want to consider them.
What means the ! and these Blue dots?
hover on them to see the comments they contain.
Old map updated with a version made like 2months ago.

I just don't want to have unfinished maps in my profile so I update them now.

You can give a comment but you dont have to.^^
Stretched image
-naturals are uneven, for the bottom player it's much easier to take&defend
-very t-ish: terran can easily take naturals (tanks on mainbase as cliff), he can easily float a CC to the near "isle", terran is the only race able to kill an expand at enemy`s isle from the cliff, and the other gasexpo with the bridge is even easier to defend with 2-3 buildings an 3-4 tanks, all units will die on that bridge.
so you see, terran can so easily get 4bases with 4 gas, overkillterran then :(
-gas issue
Updated. You need to Ctrl+F5^^
Since you have no cliffs you might aswell change the top expo to non symetrical, but positionally balanced..

Put the ramp above the minerals and the expo leaning towards the main base instead.
The river actually looks very natural. Not usual in StarCraft, very good job!
Listoric just advised that I should move my main base minerals away from the edge of the map, so units can move behind, and drops are more useful.

Looks to me like blue's nat is harder to defend. When I do the nats, I like to think of ZvT. Z is going to build a few sunks, and T shouldn't be able to easily run up the ramp, past the sunks and into the main. A T could easily do that on blue's nat. I'd just move the ramp up a bit. Red's nat looks good though.

I've not really a fan of the seperated minerals at your 6 and 12 expos. As Listoric mentioned in another post, when they are mining, the workers move between the minerals if they are already being mined. Well if they are seperated like that, you need either more workers at both sides, or to effectively even out the number of workers between both sides.