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Last Updated:
2008, 12, 20 04:29
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Comments (6)
it may be a raid assult with wider routes.
cmt plz :)
tanks in the middle, or all arround the mian can hit everything
Maybe put spikey cliff edges around the main to make them less tankable, like in Faoi and (2)Idunn.
The map is ok, but I don't like this style of map personally, think its gameplay is too unstable.
And what's with the weird ramps?
kinda sexy, tho i think start locations should be moved to the edge instead of in middle
also i would move down the whole main cliffs to make terran alittle harder to take 3th++ expoes
nice show down map! :) I like it alot.
I just want to try the concept that mains are in the
middle and you have two ways to your enemy. but now
I see mains in the middle bring a lot of trouble, it
will take much space and make the routes more
narrow if the main is made less tankable. but still
it may be better to do so.i am not sure about it
right now.
and about the strange ramps,i made them because
there is not enough space for normal ramps.
modified by Seal
cmt plz :)
The map is ok, but I don't like this style of map personally, think its gameplay is too unstable.
And what's with the weird ramps?
also i would move down the whole main cliffs to make terran alittle harder to take 3th++ expoes
middle and you have two ways to your enemy. but now
I see mains in the middle bring a lot of trouble, it
will take much space and make the routes more
narrow if the main is made less tankable. but still
it may be better to do so.i am not sure about it
right now.
and about the strange ramps,i made them because
there is not enough space for normal ramps.
modified by Seal