Map ID: #3672

Author: Nightmarjoo
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2009, 05, 30 21:59

Comments (13)
Inspired of course by this. It's basically the same map, but a 64x64 micro oriented version. I prefer this map to be honest, it isn't as messy, is actually less positionally imbalanced (though I spent just as little time worrying about it, I think I just got luckier here), and works with the competition's requirements and its own concept better I think.

The main minerals have 2000 minerals each, the expansions have 3000 each. The geysers are all normal, though I may change that. Any thoughts on the gas content of the geysers? Particularly the nat geyser.
Oh, and the mineral blocks on the ramps are 9 stacked 0-value blocks.
4pool please.
4 pool is not as deadly as it seems, especially when you see it coming. Has been proven by bb.
A now this map I like :)
Looks fun I think of it as a funner Blood Bath.
Im just wondering 2 things , dues It work for your competition ?

And Is there path issue due to those crystals or ,did u put un walkable terrain under them ,and tested that there Is no path issue so that map Is good2go ?
I like this map. A lot.

But I think I see some positional imbalances.....

The ground distance between blue and teal via the bridge is the longest, whereas the ground distance between red and teal is the smallest.

Ground distances between the players on such a small map will make a huge difference in scouting, based on start positions.

To fix this, I would suggest moving both teal's main and nat up 2 squares, and I would move the bridge between blue and teal down 1 and left 2 squares.

A single depot and rax can be used to wall off the bridge at the bottom of the bridge between red and blue. Some unbuildable ground should be in place to prevent this, should a Terran player start at 7, with an opponent at 11.

There is also a spot to wall between those two spots with a single rax and factory, below the bridge. I think that needs to be widened.

Red's main looks to be further away from the high ground than blue or teal. Maybe you should extend it down to being the same distance away, so that they are vulnerable to the same types of attacks.

As for the resources - I would leave them straight-up at 1500 and 5000, simply because it will starve the players quicker, which will force it to become that "micro" map. If anything, add an extra mineral patch at the nat and take one away from the main.

Other than that, MOTM anyone?
o yeah I forgot to say: Those crystals are covering large snow doodads which are blocking the path, so they shouldn't cause any pathing issues (they are untested, however).

Haha I don't know about MOTM Impervious, but thanks for taking the time to give actual suggestions and actually look at the map :D
I'll look into those edits and see what I can do, hopefully within the next couple of days (if not today).
Though it's untested, I think red's main is smaller than the others, so having the highground a little farther away makes its main a little bigger.
To be honest, I didn't really put much effort into ensuring positional balance, so I'm not surprised there are a lot of minor flaws. I'll see what I can do to fix them though, since you put in the time to point them out.
just use some stuff from the tileset palette, e.g. some black tiles, then you don't have to worry about them being unwalkable or not.
There's an idea.
I just tested a few things on the map (took like 10 min).

Red's CC/Nexus/Hatch cannot be tanked, but the other two can be.

The bridge between red and blue only needs 2 supply depots, not a depot and rax, to block.

Personally, I don't like the semi-stacked minerals for blue. Dunno why though.

The doodad under the crystal is visible in-game. You've gotta fix that. Unwalkable tiles under the crystal would probably be better than the doodad.

I love the concept of this map.
Also - is that LOTR you're mentioning in this map?

Shameful :P
this map is great if ur gonna play some ridicilous games ^^