Map ID: #3983

Author: Chef
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 01, 21 16:45

Comments (7)
Oops, forgot gas issue... that's how long it's been since I've mapped lol. Edited map, but didn't bother to fix picture...

Just some really awful map I made for a contest on TL. They say they want creativity but I know what they really want! Maps that look like they were made in 2004!

Oh... I can't seem to edit the picture anyway.. T.T
modified by PsychoTEMPlar
lol welcome back, I like the fact that you did something interesting/different with the middle.
But I would do something with the space at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock. Maybe some high dirt or raised jungle ?
You know I agree with you. I was going to be too lazy and say that there was some fine shrubbery on the war path but oh well. Updated..

It seems it takes awhile for pictures to update... I don't know why.
modified by PsychoTemplar
Yeah that pic update problem sometime happens, but if you click on the pic and see the large version you will see the updated version.
What about some mineral only's?
This symmetry isn't good :(
i'd put some expos in the middle, at least at 3 and 9. all that wide open space with nothing to fight over won't get used much.

edit: or maybe even keep it as is and do this on a 96x128 or even 96x96 map
modified by maximumdan
Added a few more minerals to the islands to keep CC's from landing.

What do you mean it won't get used much? It's the only path to the enemy. I have to disagree. Putting two random min only expos there that would never get used until after the 40 minute mark is pretty silly too.