Map ID: #4191

Author: K_A
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2010, 10, 23 15:27

Comments (15)
Nothing special I just wanted it to look nice.

Problems I know so far:
Natural is kinda far away
Can't just rally to opponents base although I suspect the neutral buildings will be taken down fairly quickly in this map.

New natural below main.
Got rid of pathing problem (I think).
Moved neutral buildings for closer rush distance.
Widened paths.
Added min only expos.

Min only expos removed.
Opened between the middle and corner paths.
Gas removed from side expansions at 3 and 9.
modified by K_A
Cool middle, but im afraid this is a hugely Terran favored. Any Terran can just push along those tight corridors and no Protoss or Zerg ground army can stop it.
I just fixed a ton of problems and Im gonna upload it now.
Turn grid off when you take a screen shot.
Picture fixed*
modified by K_A
This base set-up doesn't work, it's tight everywhere except the middle (but you can avoid even stepping into the middle)
Well of course you can avoid stepping in the middle. (just get air units lol)
I see what you mean about the tightness though.
I could always get rid of the minonly and open up the wall behind it and it would be less tight.
Would that work?
It might work, try it :)
Better call it DesoxyriboNucleinAcid
Updated with minor fixes.
It plays pretty well.
modified by K_A
Nice update, looks more playable now.
It plays pretty interesting because your decisions on where to expand have a lot of influence on the game itself.
Ok.. How to say this simply: this map is bad.
I think you said that too simply for it to be of any use.
Have you played the map SiaBBo?
Or even watched the replays?
modified by K_A
I don't have to. I know how this will play, and that is bad.

1st problem: two entrances to main. This will make the map really imba, cuz zerg can't fast expand effectively. One temple far away isn't holding anything. And there is no real place to build sunkens for defend.

I'm pretty sure there is path issue too, which will be bad. The whole concept is weird where you can actually have to take the longest way to get to middle effectively. Expoplacement is bad and there is no 4th gas. Corners 1 and 7 are totally useless and overall, the map is too straight.