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(2)Phoenix of freedom
Map ID: #4217
Author: x-species
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2010, 11, 30 13:06
Comments (7)
hello guys ;d i was tired and make another shit ;] i will be happy if someone like it ..
Looks kinda square-ish
Other than that pretty good.
I don't like it, lots of wasted space and most of the map doesnt feel thought through :/
ok give some suggestions ;]
The backdoor expansions takes ridiculous amounts of space, the main has ugly highground around it. the highground in the middle and sides of the map is akwardly shaped.
Always pay attention to the shapes of terrain and the general flow of movement.
I made a few suggestions to get the ball rolling.
I agree it doesn't really feel like you had anything specific in mind when you made this map.
Please try to get rid of all the square edges it looks kinda ugly.
Maybe move the ramp to the back expo back (giving the main more room and making the expo smaller)
"i give up with mapmaking guys .. gl and hf all ;]"
Did you get bored of not map making already? ;] modified by K_A
Also, about the GMCS. You don't always need a concept when you start making a map, just aslong as you know what you are doing you can make good stuff from scratch :)
Most new mappers have lots of straight lines and bad terrain (i have ridiculously bad sense for terrain myself) which is something you should get sorted out first. Watch other maps and try to learn from them.
Other than that pretty good.
Always pay attention to the shapes of terrain and the general flow of movement.
I agree it doesn't really feel like you had anything specific in mind when you made this map.
Please try to get rid of all the square edges it looks kinda ugly.
Maybe move the ramp to the back expo back (giving the main more room and making the expo smaller)
"i give up with mapmaking guys .. gl and hf all ;]"
Did you get bored of not map making already? ;]
modified by K_A
Most new mappers have lots of straight lines and bad terrain (i have ridiculously bad sense for terrain myself) which is something you should get sorted out first. Watch other maps and try to learn from them.