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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #4700
Author: CrystalDrag
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2013, 11, 07 10:42
Comments (16)
a little remake of (2)Comeback, which i had deleted a while ago...
A little Destination, a little Korhal Pride.
Temples are stacked for 5.
Havent made the unbuildable part (plain borning terrain outside naturals..)
Personally I'm not a fan of the corner expo and its "natural" but I'm not quite sure how it could be "remedied"...
Weird corner expos? And I think rush distance is too short.
Hey CD, I think Imma actually apply to Texas A&M :)
Dont apply there.
UCLA gogogo
I am doing UC Berkeley + san diego. UCLA = racist according to many people.
I like the weird corner expos. :3
lolwut, I'm pretty sure the whole "racist" thing was due to 1 person posting a video which went viral... 1 year at UCLA and I haven't observed any racism.
Also why are we talking about this in a map comment section? modified by NegativeZero
Renamed, new boring middle. :D Bluestorm choke.
Have you considered a Match Point/Benzene like sideways choke?
The blue storm choke seems irrelevant it just takes almost no extra time to go around it...even Overwatch's center choke is more significant...idk you need to do something with it to make it useful
You need to make yourself useful and make some maps...
I has. Just kinda lazy because doing Fry's trick makes it so i have to do the symettry by hand.
NegativeZero you don't? You can still use the symmetry tool exactly the same way as you otherwise would, you just have to manually add the 2 extra bottom rows once you're done.
I love duct tape solutions.
NegativeZero modified by CrystalDrag
Weird S-shaped nat choke that can be crushed from Tanks all over the middle ridge?...
Here's what I would do:
- Reduce the width of the low ground path behind the nat and move the nat closer to the edge.
- Make the close 3rd part of the low ground and straighten out the Nat choke
[overall you'll end up with kind of an inverse Benzene setup]
- Do something about the 1/7 expos being tankable from the mains.
A little Destination, a little Korhal Pride.
Temples are stacked for 5.
Havent made the unbuildable part (plain borning terrain outside naturals..)
Also why are we talking about this in a map comment section?
modified by NegativeZero
I has. Just kinda lazy because doing Fry's trick makes it so i have to do the symettry by hand.
modified by CrystalDrag
Here's what I would do:
- Reduce the width of the low ground path behind the nat and move the nat closer to the edge.
- Make the close 3rd part of the low ground and straighten out the Nat choke
[overall you'll end up with kind of an inverse Benzene setup]
- Do something about the 1/7 expos being tankable from the mains.