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(2)dirty esports money
Map ID: #4790
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2015, 07, 16 12:33
Comments (11)
LOL! I'm dead right now. Last two days after bd I was drunk heavily but nevertheless I see it clear. Who came up with this idea?
This is negativezero imo
Needs more vision blockers!
yeah i realized too late that i probably used the wrong tileset, i'll probably be converting this to ash tileset later.
there aren't any vision blocking tiles for jungle, right?
Actually there was a bit of an oversight at my part. In fact, there are, as (2)Mist proves.
Blending them to the cliffs might prove a bit of a chalenge, though, but there are lots of doodad tiles to chose from.
Nice to see you back at BW mapping :D
Oh me silly, now I see that this is new season SC2 map.
Congratulations NegativeZero with getting your sc2 map terraform onto ladder!
Happy Birthday outscar :)
Thank you Cardinal! Hope to see some new maps of yours for next iccup season.
thanks cardinal!
also i'm finally working on a proper sc2 version of oxide with the original scrapyard theme. this one's intended for the starbow mod, which plays a bit more like bw than standard sc2. hopefully i can do the original map justice.
there aren't any vision blocking tiles for jungle, right?
Blending them to the cliffs might prove a bit of a chalenge, though, but there are lots of doodad tiles to chose from.
Nice to see you back at BW mapping :D
also i'm finally working on a proper sc2 version of oxide with the original scrapyard theme. this one's intended for the starbow mod, which plays a bit more like bw than standard sc2. hopefully i can do the original map justice.