Map ID: #631

Author: epidiOn
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 08, 19 00:36

Comments (19)
Note: I borrowed the expo behind the minerals from (2)Storm by Starparty. Thanks SP.

The minerals in the pits down there look full, but they are each 8. If you mine out the one where a CC would normally go, you can build it, the other ones aren't closee enough to inhibit it. The other ones are only there to make sure that you don't land a CC in there, build an scv to mine the patch, then re-land the CC in the correct spot. This way you MUST mine through or get a transport.

I'm thinking that the two mineral onlys in the middle are getting to be too close to each other, but I don't know where else to put some more minerals.

Any suggestions?
toss can use pylontrick for getting a probe there quite fast, so can T I suppose if it works with a depot.
I'd say it's a quite normal map without that many tactical possibilities, we'll see how it is playing
Yeah, it is possible to jump through pretty easily. But here's a replay on it.. :).

prOxi.SouL)iO- = me
prOxi.swAMi = my team leader
You can also try to re-arrange the center doodas. It's kind a... Not very well arranged and so many and big and so close...
I think the islands aren't neutral enough. will be like a free expand cause they are too far away for opponent to bother about. Too much effort in trying to kill them.

I removed some of the doodads in the middle, and rearranged it a bit.
I changed where two of the min only expos where, so they weren't so close to each other.
GMCS sugguestions
Middle is pointless. Expo's seem awkward for some reason, cant really explain, they just seem wierd to me
*cough* randomize minerals *cough*
Listoric, how come? So Zerg can defend more easily with an expo and sunks in ZvT?

Flo, how so? Each expo is the mirror of its counterpart. Is that the problem?
flo wa talking about the mineral blocks themselves. They are almost all the same. In scmdraft, you have an option that randomizes the look of the minerals automatically (switches between all three possible min-blocks)

As it is now, the lower position can defend their choke with an Fe, the upper can't, or not as easy as the lower one. When the ramps would be moved, it would be easier for both, still just a suggestion.
sry that I didn't make myself clear
I tend to assume that everyone is provided with the same programs I use, notably scmdraft2 here.
As lis said, there are three different kinds of mineral blocks in SC and they seem to be almost all the same on the picture of your map.
if the placement isn't in a simple row (bgh style) this isnt that noticable really.
well, but if you can change that so easily, there shouldn't be any problem to prevent "accidentally remarks" of that :)
Flo, my scm2jpg makes all of the minerals look the same, I'm pretty sure. Even the patches that have 8 minerals look the same.

Listoric, I moved the ramps around a bit, is that any better?
I've played the map (watch rep), and had the feeling that there was not enough ground gas available. I struggled with almost only lings for a while, until I eventually got the 2 island expos. Imo, this map needs a few more gas spots, but for the rest, it plays pretty nice.
Added gas to one of the min only expos for each player. Also, you were right, the minerals weren't done very well, so I re-did those.

Also, about the islands, I disagree because if you have the island closest to you, then your opponent will have the expo closest to that island. For example, if red takes the bottom right island, then blue will have the expo at 4 o'clock, which is pretty close to the island. You might be right though :D.
Umh, wrong picture ;) That's my map, Midnight Patrol. Both pictures has the name MID~. Pls change it

(I also sent PM)
I think pvz will be hard because protoss needs to spread very thin to get a third gas.

edit: nvm theres an island. also the map is very open, maby add a little structure in the middle.
modified by SynDrome