(2)Planet Genosis
Map ID: #732

Author: ShaManT
Map Size: unknown
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2005, 12, 10 03:51

Comments (11)
Desrt world (Starwars Clone Wars =P) that has multiple battlefields. If I overdid the critters let me know.
Um the flanking room in middle is very little. I think terran will have not too much problem pushing to toss base fast or containing a zerg.
I see many doodads placed, where the base will be on expands, are they all walkable? Sorry about the stupid question, but i haven't made many desert maps...

Overall, i don't like it, for the same reaseon that i repeat on most of the 2 player maps. Straigt line to the enemy... The other parts of the map, are not very comfrot to use, they are very distansed, from the real world :)
You yust... play the map ul like it. and those are not doodads, those are critters.
Well I have a second veriosn of the map that might be better and balance pvt reasonably. Look at image.
Believe me i play a lot of user maps, and those with 2 players, and straight way to the enemy are the most maps that i can see here.
hm, it looks very empty and made without concept- the uphill (haha) in the middle was planned, and then you just didn't know what to do, so you went like "hm, there and expo. there, too. maybe a cliff here" etc
this is what I think when looking at this map.

LGI is right, the expos here lie far away from actual combat zone...it will be used for hidden expo mostly, not as strategical point to hold/to fight for.
hey, the map looks much better since the update imo. Remove one of the top right and bottom left expos (3 in the same "corner" is too much imo, decorate it some more(no straight lines) and I could really like it.
Im on it