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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(4)Memory Cell
Map ID: #776
Author: trcc
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2009, 03, 09 16:05
Comments (43)
Well, this is a badland map, there's a lot of possibilities to get into the middle by the narrow passage, that lead to the mineral only.
Hope you like it ^.^
I'm gonna try to get a game on it :)
Thanks =) Can i obs :D?
trcc, the concept is really nice. I like it a lot, but somehow i don't like the way you've made it. You have better maps then this, thats for sure. Anyway overall - good job!
you know this screams nostalgia right? and its not just the tileset :p
The only similarity is the little cliff, other than that i don't see any similarities at ALL.
Ok badland titleset, does that mean all badland maps look the same..
Nostalgia has gasless natural with bridges and a connected cliff to the gas expo.
This is a gas nat with no bridges, no cliff connected.. The mineral only is nothing but similar to nostalgia, except that cliff, but it is leading to middle.. Middle: it has 1 structure wall, i should consider this as a nostalgia clone too? ========(((((((( The reaason i went badland is cuz we just did a jungle map, that comet was on twilight, and i did not wanted desert, ice or ash no space too.. badland was the only solution :)! But anyway, if you think it is a nostalgia clones, i respect you =)
i personally like it. simple. playable. mains are good sizes.
One question, how did you build those highlands so near the water without the water pushing back, do you need a special editor for that?
I'm pretty sure it's all staredit. On badlands and jungle it's possible to have high ground very close to water, on some other tilesets it's not that close.
Yes all staredit, the only titleset that you can't put water close to the highground is ice terrain ( ice have snow around and water has dirt, so it is not compatible, unless you use ice terrain, but ice is hard to fill all the tank holes)
why does a FE work on bottom pos, while on top you need a 3-hatch-build?
fix that plz, it's an awesome map with incredible style. lovin' it.
you dont need a 3hatch build to take your nat on top positions.
sunkens work just fine
ok, 3hatchbuild was a bit exaggerated^^
but on bottom, the sunkens in front of your hatch save the ecoline AND protect your choke so it's almost impossible for a rushing terran to run through your defence and go for your main.
on top, the sunkens don't block the choke as well, so that might be a bit unfair.
I don't say it IS, but I could imagine
Looks like the Nostalgia. Not interesting map.
there is about ONE structure that reminds of nost, which is the highground-path to the expo. but well, it's the natural at nost, not the minonly so it offers completely new gameplay. however, you`re not the right person to judge about a map being interesting. it's like mosq: your maps, and those of your fellows are greeeaaaaaaaaaaaat, rest is boring and sucks.
well, you suck actually
Is it just me or does the top right main's ramp stick out a little to far past the natural compared to the other nats?
yap, little imbalance...but as the creep still touches the ramp, I think it's not that hard
If this map will become MotS next season for pgt, you're going to need to make the top right nat easier for zerg to expo on.
it did become MOTS and the nat is not fixed :[
i think top left is hard too compared to bottom right
Top left ramp could easily face the other direction. But that would make top right even worse compared to the rest.
Yes, sorry it's my fault.. I didn't modified it even if this imbalance has been pointed out months ago.. Seriously, when memory cell failed in the first pgt pool to become mots, i never though they would add it again.. This is not a good reason i assume..
The thing is that nobody told me my map was going to me motS this season.. Not even Bill or pat so i guess that's why the map remained unchanged..
I hope u understand my point of view :]
Well it's not your mistake then...
Yes, they should have informed you, definately.
this was your rehability for the previous ignorance of MC :D deserved it anyways ;)
yay i got outmacroed here, though i have very very little gaming skill :(
one game i forgot about the highground paths and got flanked by 12 zerglings. built marines by accident instead of firebats and i got screwed cuz i was at his choke:(
teal main base, is small imo.
yea teal is rough on Terran.
its fine for protoss and zerg though.
imbalanse map... 2x2 - unplayable
mosq is really always good for a laugh :D Do you think it would become MOTS if it was THAT bad?
how is 2v2 unplayable rofl? even on blizz maps hell you can play 2v2 easily.
yep, it's quite hard to make a map that is imabalanced in 2n2 if you have at least some understanding of mapmaking...
lol unplayable hgahagh, mosq you do not understand NOTHING of maps, the map is very good imo only this main base of teal position, is not ok for terran.
p.s. i upload a rep :D
spinesheath, all PGT MOTS - imbalanse unplayable noobish maps.
y sure, only your maps are good "OK"
Oh well, let's just give him a nice friendly kick in the ass :D
i think its too simple.. i like a little randomness in my games.. like alot of height differences, so that the game is different every time.
i just play a row of several games. a team had opened 2on2 memorycell games in _public_
it was great fun, the map played smooth and it's cool to see BWMN maps get hits :=)
i've also seen arena games btw
its really a map of choice lately. people like 2v2 on it. i had a great 2v2, wonder if i can find it..
when pgt was up most of my games were on this map, so I have plenty of replays -.-
ye but it obviously survivded PGT
which chameleon didnt afaik
Hope you like it ^.^
Ok badland titleset, does that mean all badland maps look the same..
Nostalgia has gasless natural with bridges and a connected cliff to the gas expo.
This is a gas nat with no bridges, no cliff connected.. The mineral only is nothing but similar to nostalgia, except that cliff, but it is leading to middle.. Middle: it has 1 structure wall, i should consider this as a nostalgia clone too? ========(((((((( The reaason i went badland is cuz we just did a jungle map, that comet was on twilight, and i did not wanted desert, ice or ash no space too.. badland was the only solution :)! But anyway, if you think it is a nostalgia clones, i respect you =)
One question, how did you build those highlands so near the water without the water pushing back, do you need a special editor for that?
fix that plz, it's an awesome map with incredible style. lovin' it.
sunkens work just fine
but on bottom, the sunkens in front of your hatch save the ecoline AND protect your choke so it's almost impossible for a rushing terran to run through your defence and go for your main.
on top, the sunkens don't block the choke as well, so that might be a bit unfair.
I don't say it IS, but I could imagine
well, you suck actually
The thing is that nobody told me my map was going to me motS this season.. Not even Bill or pat so i guess that's why the map remained unchanged..
I hope u understand my point of view :]
its fine for protoss and zerg though.
p.s. i upload a rep :D
it was great fun, the map played smooth and it's cool to see BWMN maps get hits :=)
i've also seen arena games btw
which chameleon didnt afaik